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Flashback(23years ago)

Tao pov
I was taking care of dinner when Kris walked into the house.
Hey he said while back hugging me
We have been married for 8 years and run a small gang. We recently adopted a little boy named yoongi. He was about 6 years old. The poor thing had been through so much in such a small amount of time. One of our bodyguard's son's Omari found him dirty and hungry on the streets. No mother or father to be found. I hope he opens up to us soon. It seems like he only wants to talk to Omari and Namjoon another one of the bodyguard's kids. They have been able to get a lot out of him. But all they told us is his mother sold him to a drug dealer for her next high. He is very mature for his age and it's as if he has no emotions. The poor baby seems so angry and lost so kris decided to teach him to use that anger into fighting, so he can get it out. So far kris has been telling me he's going good but he's enjoying it a little too much. I know how rough kris can be with training because he trained me; I was able to kill someone with my bare hands within six months of him training me. Yoongi is just a little boy and he says yoongi can take a punch and get right back up, as if it doesn't hurt at all . He once broke one of the staff's arm's after he got a little too close to me. After that incident, I have been wondering what else he is capable of because he gets a little too overprotective of us. He sticks to kris like glue where ever he goes yoongi follows. He has never talked tho and it's been months since we adopted him. We took him to a doctor to see if he was mute and she said he suffers from shock and PTSD so he will talk when he is ready. So for now we communicate through writing. He is a sweet kid but he has problems. That doesn't make us love him any less, we are just as fucked up as he is because of our past. What every that bitch of a mother did to him before she sold him has made him dangerous and that is what scares me.
(End of Tao POV)

Kris POV
I had just got back in from training yoongi and I gotta say I'm impressed he is very smart to be this young but I'm concerned because he enjoys it a little too much. He has become dangerous which is good for the business we are in but I don't want him to be exposed to the work I do just yet. I only taught him to fight to release some of the anger his mother caused now I'm afraid it just made it worst.
He doesn't trust many only me, Tao, Namjoon, and Omari. Hopefully, he will see we love him and he can let some of that anger go. He seems to be very suspicious of people he doesn't know. We have to explain to him every time luhan and lay comes over that they are family and won't hurt him. He is starting to warm up to them maybe we can hug each other now without him sending luhan death stares. He is fine just as long as they don't touch me or tao. Recently they just adopted a son as well. He is just as worst as yoongi from what I have heard from Lay. They got him from an orphanage near Busan. His name is hoseok and he is about 5 years old, Supposedly had been sexually molested since he was 1 and finally he got tired of it and killed his stepfather with a broken piece of glass. His mom dropped him off at an orphanage and skipped town soon after. Luhan told me they bring him over for dinner. Hopefully, he and yoongi can get along. Maybe them being in each other's lives may do some good.
(End of kris pov)

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