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"Are you ready to start the journey, My Lady?" A butler with light teal hair styled in purposely messy chops asked a young onyx haired girl who sat inside a marvelous black carriage. He bent at the waist with his right hand over his heart. The soft wind blew his eyebrow length fringe softly.

The young girl stared down at her hands as a sort of sad expression formed on her face. She took a quick glance at the butler from the corner of her eyes, her marble blue eyes locking with her butler's light pink ones for a millisecond before looking back down to her hands.

"Yes, Nicolas..." The young girl whispered. If it was any normal person they wouldn't have heard her, but her butler was used to her quiet mumbling. It was sadly something she's acquired over the years.

Nicolas smiled and nodded before standing back to his full height of 6'5. "Then we will be off." Shutting and securing the carriage door, Nicolas walked around an sat on the seat in front of the carriage. His ever so sure hands grabbing the reins to the horse's and gave them a quick tug.

Now the butler and his master were off...

Somewhere in a manor a few hours away...

A young navy blue haired boy sat at his desk in his study quietly sipping his tea as his one dark blue eye read over the morning's newspaper. He was waiting for his butler to walk in bringing him his breakfast, and any new letters that might have arrived that day.

After having finished read a article, the boy sighed quietly as he set his tea cup down along with his newspaper glaring at the door; the boy now waiting impatiently for his butler to walk in. A few minutes later the door opened, in popping a head of medium length, silky black hair.

"I'm sorry My Lord... it seems that Mayrin had broken a few glass plates and I had to clean them up and replace them..."The tall butler explained, wheeling in a small cart filled with food. He held an exasperated expression as he came closer.

"Whatever. Just hurry up and prepare me breakfast... we have a lot of things to do today..." The boy grumbled turning his glare to the side as the butler set a small creepé out in front of him, and annoying smile on the butler's lips.

"Ah yes... they are to be arriving today, are they not?" The butler replied, tucking a small napkin into the boys collar.

"Yes. Around noon if I remember correctly. Have you prepared a guest room?"

"Yes. One that will hold up to the Phantomhive Manors reputation." The butler announced, crossing his arms behind his back as he stood next to the young boy.

"Good. I don't want to set a bad impression on our guest." The boy said after taking a bite of his breakfast, "Make sure that Finnian trims the bushes in the garden. I want to have lunch outside.. " The boy added.

The butler bowed, his right hand over his heart, "As you wish, Master... "

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