Author's Note

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Hi. Are you confused? Yes, me too. 

Well, it's the end of the story. Thank you so much for reading this story for this long! I'm almost on 2K views now, thanks to you guys. I didn't think this story would get this popular! Well, I had fun writing this, since I love Kirby, I like Meta Kirby and I also like writing stories. 

You might be like "Wait, I don't understand what just happened in the Epilogue!"

Or maybe like "You just finished this story with a cliffhanger! I AM NOT FINE WITH THAT."

If you didn't understand, well... someone's still alive. It's not good. You might know who. I made it extra hard to understand who that someone is. So it is a cliffhanger. 

You see, I'm going to go on Summer Break in a couple of days, so relax. It's not the end. I can't just finish this fanfiction with a cliffhanger. I'm not going to continue this one because this is already done but in another book... 

I am totally going to write a second book. 

If you want to know what happens next, I'll see you in the next fanfiction. But if you want to just end it here, you can. Your choice. 

Again, thank you so much for reading this fanfiction. I'm sorry if the grammar was bad and my word choices were poor. I hope you enjoyed it, and please comment below on how you thought of it. 

I'll see you guys in the next fanfiction or another time,


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