Chapter 5 : Kirby - Under Attack

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When all of that was happening, Kirby regained consciousness in somewhere he didn't expect. He was between two trees that were about 30 times bigger than him, which kind of made Kirby scared. It was dark, so Kirby guessed he was out for a few hours since when he fell, it was afternoon. He thought he was going to be at least in the spaceship because he knew from the start that he crash-landed on somewhere that wasn't going to be Popstar. But he was in a forest, not his spaceship. He felt scared that he was alone, with no friend that was going to find him.

'Meta? Dedede? Bandana?' He called, making his voice as loud as possible.

He jumped right up, listening, hoping he could hear a friend's voice, calling for him as well. But he heard nothing.

He was all alone.

He was lost in an unknown place with no familiar friend to be found. How was he going to find his way home?

Kirby shook his head and tried to make himself not that emotional. He had to move on and try to get some food and water so he can live until he can find help or find his spaceship so he can get out of the unknown planet. Kirby started to walk, feeling so lonely that he felt like his heart was getting heavier and heavier. As he walked through the forest, he tried to think about good things, like about Lady Like's delicious food, Tiff's storytelling, and Meta Knight under the mask-

Kirby shook his head again, confused about why he was thinking about Meta Knight under the mask.

From the start, Kirby knew that Meta Knight was also a Kirby. He has trained and fought with Meta Knight and cracked his mask open so many times that he kind of started to like it with his mask off. Meta Knight without his mask was a navy-blue Kirby with moon-silver eyes, which flickered to lime yellow sometimes. He had two blush marks, just like Kirby. Kirby thought Meta Knight looked quite hot with and without his mask-

Kirby blinked. Why was he thinking about Meta Knight so much? He sighed, trying to shake Meta Knight out of his head.

Just then, a voice behind Kirby yelled, 'Hello!'

Kirby jumped and turned around. Behind him was a purple bear with void-gray eyes, and with violet thorns in the back.

It was speaking.

Kirby stepped back in defense, wondering if this actually was a monster. It looked at Kirby in wonder, as if he never saw Kirby before.

Of course he hasn't, Kirby thought. I just came here a few hours ago.

'Is your name Kirby?' The purple bear asked.

Kirby nodded stupidly, and the bear grinned evilly. 'Come here, Kirby. I have a treat for you!'

'Why should I?' Kirby glared at the monster, but of course, the bear didn't understand him, since he actually was speaking a mouthful of Poyos.

'Sorry, but I didn't get that,' The purple-haired bear smiled. 'Oh, yes, and my name is Wilanda.'

'What do you want with me?' Kirby asked, and the bear looked like he got the meaning.

'Oh, me? You see, I just want you because I need to use you to destroy the galaxy! If you come to me, I can give you anything you want.' Wilanda spread his furry arms like he wanted a hug.

Kirby stared in horror at the bear. The monster wanted to use him to destroy the galaxy? That meant he was going to destroy Popstar as well... That meant his friends were going to die, as well as other innocent creatures who were living in the galaxy. Kirby took one step back, then turned around and started to run.

'Wait! Come back!' Kirby heard footsteps coming behind him, and he knew it was Wilanda. 'Get him.'

Kirby turned around and saw about 10 tiny monsters, all purple and also with thorns, except they were white. Kirby dashed even faster, and then turned, then sucked up a bush. He swallowed it, then turned into Leaf Kirby and started to swirl leaves around him. 3 tiny monsters that were in front of the monster crowd disintegrated, though Wilanda snapped his fingers and replaced them with another 3. Kirby growled. He was going to be surrounded if he didn't act quickly. Kirby dashed to the right quickly and hid into a pile of leaves to disguise himself.

'Kirby?' Wilanda called in a voice that made Kirby's back tingle. 'Where are you?'

Kirby shivered in fright, regretting that he was so stupid about going on his spaceship. 

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