Chapter 1 : Kirby - The Not Really Expected Adventure

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Kirby thought everything was going to be perfect that day. He woke up late because he didn't have to train with his trainer/friend Meta Knight that day since it was a Sunday. He ate his lunch, which was meatball spaghetti(Delicious!), and also had a nap under the tree next to his house. He chased butterflies and fished, but he started to get too bored of that, so thought about playing on his star warrior spaceship and looking at the stars for a while. Thanks to Meta Knight, he got much better at controlling the spaceship. Actually, he became much smarter than before he came to Dreamland. Even he had to admit it. He went to tell Bandana Waddle Dee, King Dedede(Who was much nicer than before), and Meta Knight that he was going out until afternoon snack time. Since he couldn't really say anything except for Poyo, he brought his spaceship with him and went to his friends' houses, pointed at the spaceship and then pointed at the sky, except for Meta Knight, who sort of understood him.

'Have fun!' B.W. Dee has said.

'Go get me some stars!' Dedede called out. Obviously, he didn't know what stars were. But Kirby hoped he was joking.

Meta Knight just said, 'Stay safe,' and walked off, like he always did.

But Kirby knew something was wrong with Meta Knight these days. He seemed more awkward around Kirby and looked at him for more than ten seconds, which never happened. But Kirby didn't really care. Kirby also went to tell his friend Tiff and Tuff that he was going out as well.

'Can you get me some pictures of the stars?' Tiff asked.

'Poyo!' Kirby said happily, which he meant as a yes.

Tiff handed Kirby a camera that was in a grey case. 'Thank you!'

'Hey! Let me come too!' Tuff yelled, and Kirby and Tiff laughed.

As soon as he finished telling his friends, Kirby climbed into his spaceship, and started to press the controlling buttons furiously. Just as he pressed the last button, the spaceship launched off into space. The sky around him soon enough changed colour, and a million stars started to pop out everywhere in the sky. Kirby stared in amazement as the sky changed. His little pink body danced in excitement, and his sky-blue eyes twinkled. Kirby thought they were the most beautiful things in the galaxy. Then, he remembered about Tiff asking about taking photos of the stars. He slowly took the case out of the small bag he always kept in his spaceship, and then tried to take out the camera from the case... But something caught his eye before he could.

It was a big storm-grey rock.

And it was coming towards him.

Kirby quickly took photos of the rock, not really realizing that it was coming towards his spaceship faster than he thought.

But when he did, it was too late.

The rock was going to crash.

CRASH! The rock smashed into the engines of the spaceship, and it wobbled. The engines groaned and died, and Kirby only had time to think Uh-Oh, until the spaceship started to fall. Since he was close to a solid planet, the gravity was quite strong. Kirby quickly pressed the emergency button, making an airbag come out of under the controlling buttons. But it didn't slow the fall, obviously. The spaceship kept on falling, and the sky slowly changed to light blue as he fell.

'Poyoooo!' Kirby flailed, trying to keep balance.

The ground kept closing in as he fell. The spaceship was falling somewhere close to a forest, and it was getting closer, and closer...

BANG! CRASH! The spaceship crashed into the ground, and the fall was too much for the star warrior. Kirby blacked out.

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