Chapter 9 : Kirby - Under the Mask

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Kirby couldn't sleep. He was still worried about Wilanda trying to get him to destroy the galaxy, though the feeling was lessening, because he now knew his friends were by his side. Still, he was scared, since if he actually gets into the hands of the monster... He didn't want to imagine it.

Suddenly, somebody knocked on the tent door, and Kirby jumped. He opened the door and found out that it was only Meta Knight.

'Haai, Meta!' Kirby said. 'What's up?'

'Sorry if I was disturbing your sleep. May I talk to you?' Meta Knight whispered.

'Yeah, sure. I couldn't sleep anyways. Come in!' Kirby opened the tent door openly, and Meta Knight came in.

After they went in and Kirby shut the door, they sat on Kirby's sleeping bag and sighed.

'We had a long day, really,' Meta Knight sighed.

'Yep,' Kirby agreed.

Kirby looked at Meta Knight, looking at his face. With his mask, he looked mysterious and cool, to hide the real him. But under the mask...

Kirby put his hand to Meta Knight's mask and took it off. Meta Knight winced, though didn't tell Kirby to give his mask back. Kirby put the mask next to him and turned face-to-face with Meta Knight.

As Kirby thought, Meta Knight had a navy-blue body and moon-silver eyes that sometimes turns to lime-yellow.

'Kirby?' Meta Knight slowly turned red.

'I like it better without the mask,' Kirby smiled.

Meta Knight looked down, looking embarrassed.

'Kirby... I want to say something...'

Kirby perked up, shuffling over to listen.


'I...I...' Meta Knight hesitated, but sighed. 'Actually, I can't tell you yet. I'm not ready.'

Kirby blinked. 'Okay...'

Meta Knight obviously wanted to tell Kirby something, but couldn't because of... embarrassment, maybe?

Meta Knight's emotions showed quite easily when he didn't have his mask on. But Kirby was fine with that. He wasn't showing the real him with his mask on.

'Well, anyways...' Meta Knight said. 'You should get some sleep. Sleep is a part of healing.'

'The problem is, I can't sleep.' Kirby sighed. Then he thought about something. 'Meta... Can you read me a book like you did in the olden days?'

Meta Knight blinked and laughed.

'Of course. I'll never say no,'

He got up and got out of the tent. Kirby looked at the mask next to him and picked it up. The mask was polished beautifully but had a lot of scratches, maybe because it gets scratched when Meta Knight fights. Kirby felt sad when he thought about that. There were so many scratches, which meant he fought a lot.

'Hey Kirby, I'm back,' Meta Knight reappeared from the door of the tent.

He came in with a book with a navy cover. The title said The Known Planets in the Universe. Kirby was a little disappointed that it wasn't a fantasy book, but he guessed it was important to learn the planets in the universe.

'Okay,' Meta Knight said as he sat down. 'Maybe we can read... This. Planet Earth.'

Kirby shuffled over.

'Planet Earth is a planet covered in blue and green, and one of the few planets with life. The planet has a creature called humans, which are kind of similar to Tiff and their family.'

'Cool!' Kirby poyoed happily.

'There are also other creatures like dogs, bears, and other creatures that are in Popstar as well. There are...'

Meta Knight kept on reading the book, and Kirby started to get sleepy, and he started to rock sideways.

Meta Knight noticed and smiled. 'Are you sleepy now?'

Kirby nodded. Meta Knight picked Kirby up and tucked him into his sleeping bag.

'Night, Meta,' Kirby mumbled, half-asleep.

'Good Night, Kirby. Sleep tight.' Meta Knight stroked Kirby's forehead.

Kirby's last vision was Meta Knight putting his mask on and walking out of the tent with his cape swishing behind him and The Known Planets in the Universe book in his arms.

After that, Kirby peacefully drifted into unconsciousness, smiling.

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