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Junghwan got confused and looked at him, Harrison is now anticipating for the teacher's reaction. He might be mad at them and will surely beat to death the President.

Junghwan looks at the man behind, then he ran towards him. Avenue embraces him between his arms, he's actually smiling because of Junghwan's confession earlier.

"I really thought that you were already dead" The younger says and buried his face on the president's chest, still crying.

Then there there's Haruto's friends, looking proud at them. Harrison is screaming and shaking Spencer's body because his plan obviously worked.

"You love me, right?" The president asks and held his face as he stare at him with a small smile.

"Y-yes, I love you" The younger responded and gave him a pout, Avenue placed a kiss on his forehead this time.

"I fucking love you more, sweetheart" The CEO responded as he hug the younger tightly.

"I also thought you were really kidnapped. Those idiot creatures was the reason behind this. They badly want you to confess your love to me." Avemue muttered and glanced at the noisy men at Junghwan's back.

"I don't why, but I can't be mad. I was so scared, I thought you will really die" The younger mutters, sobbing harder.

"Ssh don't worry, I will fucking punish them. They just made my baby worried" Avenue said and glares at his friends. They went closer to them and they all look at each other.

"Who made this fucking idea" The CEO started to ask, then they all looked at him.

"Hehe, I just want him to confess to you, sloth" Harrison exclaimed, showing his lethal smile to the president but Avenue just rolled his eyes.

"The script is even cheesy" Eunice said as he read the script, then Harrison pulled his ear.

"My baby is tired, he needs to rest." Avenue suddenly said and held Junghwan's waist.

"Hey Demitrio, Naiku hugged him earlier when you're still inside. Bye" Vernerbio said and quickly went to his own car together with Xavier.

With that, Avenue frowned and glared at his favorite hyung, Kanemoto Azure Yoshinori Naiku.

"Calm down brat, that's only a comfort hug. Right, sweetheart?" Azure mutters and pinched Junghwan's cheek. However, the president smacked his older hyung's hand that made Azure chuckle.

"The fuck, don't call him sweetheart unless you're me." Avenue said, glaring at the older japanese.

"So possessive aren't we?--uh no, territorial" Azure muttered with a playful smile then he pulled Perxius. Finally, they went to his car now and vanished.

"Extremely fucking annoying" Avenue whispers when the two finally went away.

"Hey, let's go now" Spencer said and pulled Eunice and Harrison to his car. Harrison even waves at Junghwan before they successfully went away.

Territorial BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now