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Junghwan grinned with a sigh, he looks at the older who's anticipating for the same words.

"I'm sorry but, I still don't want to settle. The truth is, I don't believe in love." Junghwan confesses and felt sorry. He really doesn't believe in love since the day his parents abandoned him in the orphanage. Unexpectedly, Haruto smiled.

"I know, I did a background check about you already. I won't pressure you."

"but I will make you believe in love, and I will mamd you fall for me." Haruto reassures and gave him a gentle smile, making the younger surprised.

"I truly understand what you feel Sweetheart , I will give you time to build your feelings towards me. I will surely make you fall in love with me." The CEO added as he rubs the younger's hand.

"What are they talking about? I'm curious." Jeongwoo suddenly mutters while watching the two love birds on the corner.

"Maybe talking about love, that's what every in a relationship do." Jaehyuk answers as he sips Asahi's drink.

"but Junghwan does not believe in love, he never did. All because of his parents. He always doubt love, if that's true then his parents never abandoned him. He always keeps saying that." Jeongwoo said that made the other men frown.

"Well, Haruto is extremely persistent and consistent, he will surely do everything to make Junghwan believe in love." Asahi says while glancing the two. He's actually envious, he also need love!

"Do you want me to love you too, Vio?" Jaehyuk teases earning a punch on his shoulder from Asahi.

"Thank you, Avenue." Junghwan teases as he look at the CEO with a smile.

"Just call me Haru, I don't like my other names." Haruto said with a chuckle, pinching the younger's cheek.

Finally, lunch time is over. Azure and Vernervio sent Jeongwoo and Doyoung back to the nursery, while Perxius, Xavier, Spencer, Haruto, and Junghwan were already on the company.

"This building is really huge." Junghwan said in awe, he scans every side of the company.

The CEO told his officemates to go back to work to have the younger on his own.  Haruto dragged Junghwan until they reached his office. The teacher felt his cheeks, hot. He concludes in his mind that he will get pounded again.

"W-what are you doing?" The younger innocently asks when the CEO pushed him to his desk.

Avenue removed his coat and removed the thee buttons on his whitle long sleeves. He close the gap between them and hungrily ravish the younger's lips that he definitely missed.

Gladly, the door was locked. He warned his secretary and assistant that he will fire them once they barged in.

The younger can't do anything but to whimper, the older's hands are feasting over his body, wanting to touch and own him at every inch.

He felt weak when the CEO slides his tongue inside his mouth, he gripped on the older's shoulders for support.

"H-haru..." Junghwan whispers as he arc his head, the CEO is already sucking his neck, tasting every inch of it.

"What is it, sweetheart ?" The older asks as he trace his lips up to the younger's chin as he sexily stare at him with such hungry eyes.

"What if someone caught us?" He asks and stares at the captivating eyes in front of him, he's lost again as he stare for longer.

"I will fucking punch their faces." The CEO answers as he remove the three buttons of Junghwan's shirt and slides the clothes to see the fair shoulder and sexy collarbone.

The teacher whimpers again when felt the warm saliva of the CEO on his collarbone. He almost fell on the desk when he felt his skin being sucked, the hickies will surely get visible again tomorrow. His knees are getting weaker.

He placed his hand on the older's chest as he arc his back, the CEO is really ravishing his neck and collarbone.

"That Kim Doyoung is madly in love with Junghwan." Azure mutters with a chuckle. He's with Vernervio and they're now back at the building. They sent the two teachers back at the nursery and even talked with them at the car earlier.

"I guess, Junghwan likes Avenue already. I can feel it. I'm not a fortune teller or whatever, but I can really feel it. Maybe we just have to stalk the two to be always updated." Vernervio said with a laugh, he clicks the button in the elevator, to Watanabe's Office.

"You know what, Avenue became different. Yeah, he's always mad and stubborn, but everytime he's with that teacher, he would look like a cupcake. He's too soft for him. I think I will need a surgery for me to look like Junghwan. I swear, he's always mad at me! and even got more mad because he thought I'm interested with his Sweetheeeeart." Azure mutters and the two chuckes while thinking of the two.

Finally, they're now in front of the CEO's office, but got stopped by Eunice who looked annoyed.

"What's with that pouting face?" Azure asks as he play with the car keys on his hand.

"He's with So Junghwan, they're inside the office." The executive assistant answers with a pout.

"Oh okay, we just want to talk to him. So, excuse me." Vernervio said and tried to push the door, sadly it was locked. He knocked and tried to call the CEO.

On the other side, Avenue curses because of the interruption. The younger pouted and quickly dressed himself. Earlier he was praying he don't want to get pounded in the office, but this time he wanted to get ravished by him.

Avenue unlocks the door when he clicks the controller, then there's Azure and Vernervio with their annoying grins. Yes, they really want to disturb the two.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" The CEO asks as he irritatedly looked at the two. The teacher is standing near his swivel chair while looking down with a pout.

"Calm down, we're here to give this files to you." Azure said as he placed the blue folder on the desk with a smile.

"You should've gave it to my assistant." The CEO said and glares at them.

"You're mad again. So, what's your business with Junghwan?" Asahi asks with his teasing chuckle, Haruto rolled his eyes and pulled the teacher to sit on his lap.

"None of your business. Leave now before I fucking rip your faces." Avenue said with a smirk, the younger got shy and looks at the two who's chuckling

"Oooh, okay proceed tour busine—" Before Vernervio could finish his words, the assitant barged in.

"HEY, RUTOOO! YOUR FATHER IS HERE! HE WANTS A MEETING!" Kim Junkyu yells as he heavily breathes because of running.

"Oh shit, he will definitely scold me." The CEO said and gently pushed the teacher to stood up. He fixed his clothes wanting to look formal to his father.

"Take care of him, I will be back. Don't fucking touch him." Haruto warns and quickly rushed to the meeting room together with Junkyu.

"His father is scary, do you want us to tell you the dark history of Violence?" Asahi said with his serious look.

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