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Haruto is now driving his car to send Junghwan back to his own apartment. He don't want his friends to drive him home, he don't trust those idiots and he will obviously just get jealous.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" Junghwan asks, glancing at the older who's seriously driving.

"Uh of course, sweetheart. Are you worried about me?" Avenue came back to his senses and chuckled at Junghwan.

"Y-yeah" he honestly answers, getting shy again. Haruto never failed to amuse the younger. Junghwan was always lingered with the unusual feelings, he can't clearly figure what does it means. He definitely likes it whenever the older is around, taking care of him.

Thankfully, they're now in front of Junghwan's apartment. The younger opened his door and looks at the older.

"Goodnight, Sweetheart. Sleep well, dream of me" The CEO sweetly mutters, leaning in and placed a gentle kiss on the younger's lips.

Junghwan felt butterflies in his stomach again with the sweet gesture. He's actually mentally screaming, the handsome man is sweeter than sugars. Compared to Doyoung, Haruto is even more cheesy and flirty but it's different. The CEO is full of sincerity and affection, you can literally feel the butterflies inside your stomach .

"G-good night, Haru" Junghwan said with a shy smile and with that, Haruto fucking Watanabe also smiled, Junghwan is too innocent and cute.

He finally left the place and the younger is still on the door thinking of him.

While Haruto is on his way back to his house, he received a text and his lips automatically formed a curve.

Sweetheart :
be safe, rest well.

how I wish to rest with you tonight.

He continue to drive and finally, he reached his house. He directly went to his bed and dreams of being with Junghwan.

"Hola amigos" Asahi greeted at his officemates, swaying to reach Yoshinori's side.

"It's already nine am but the brat is still not here" Yoshinori mutters, typing a message for Haruto who's rarely replying to their messages.

Anyways, Yoshinori received a call earlier about Haruto's blind date later. He got confused and just told it to Mashiho, but the smaller japanese is also confused.

blind date? that's what they thought.

"Uhm have you guys heard about the tea this time?" Yoshinori asks as he rub his temple. He glanced at his friends who are busy gossiping and they turn their heads on him.

"Spill it" The secretary said as she smack Asahi's arm because the robot is making fun of her again saying she will never be Haruto's lover.

"Avenue has a blind date later at ten am" Yoshinori straightly said and chuckled at their reactions.

"but he already have Junghwan" Hyunsuk said and got confused too, then there's Park Jihoon and Kim Junkyu.

"Hold up, who's Junghwan? AND WHY ARE YOU NOT TELLING ME THIS!" Harrison asks, feeling betrayed.

"Ruto already found a girlfriend?" Eunice also asks and glanced at Asahi who's also solving a mystery on his head.

"So Junghwan is a pretty boy, a kindergarten teacher." Yoshinori answers as he thought of him.

"Oh okay, that's nice hahaha" Junkyu said and suddenly felt something on his chest.

Actually---here we go again, Junkyu and Haruto known each other for how many years now. The older one even confessed that he has a crush on his lovely dongsaeng. However, his feelings are unrequited, Haruto is not interested but still, they remained as best pals.

"I want to meet that pretty boy, soon!" Harrison exclaimed and he's now imagining Haruto and Junghwan's cute interactions.

"I got curious, why do he need to have a blind date?" Mashiho suddenly asks that awake Asahi's brain.

"His dad went here yesterday, and I noticed Haruto's behavior after the meeting. Maybe, his dad wants him to have a girlfriend already. His father is business minded, maybe he want him to meet his business partner's daughter? and to get married" Asahi said as he thought of it and solve it like a mystery. His friends was shocked and turned their heads at each other.

"Do you want Junghwan to be dumped away?" Asahi continues, he's really determined to help the two.

"OF COURSE NO! POOR JUNGHWANIE" Yoshinori was the first one who reacted.

"Maybe we could help them and sabotage the blind date later?" Asahi added that make their eyes sparkle. They definitely love action movies, they're also willing to help.

"YES! THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! I don't want him to date pretty girls!" The secretary said with a pout and Asahi just rolled his eyes.

Today, Avenue is driving his car to the nursery. He really don't want to meet his blind date, he might only bury the girl alive. Little did he know, something and someone is waiting for him.

When he reached the nursery, he asks Park Jeongwoo if Junghwan is already in his classroom but the older iksan boy is also looking for him.

"What the hell?" The CEO muttered and went to Junghwan's classroom with Jeongwoo but the children are also waiting for him.

"YAH! GLAD YOU'RE HERE! I SAW--I SAW JUNGHWANIE GETTING DRAG BY SOME MEN IN BLACK!" Doyoung yells as he run towards them, gasping for breathe and held Jeongwoo's shoulder for support.

"What!?" Jeongwoo got startled and quickly scans the place and they panicked.

"BULLSHIT!" Haruto shouted and dialed Junghwan's number but it was out of coverage.

He contacted his annoying friends and asks for help. Gladly, they quickly went to the nursery.

"What happened?" Mashiho asks with his friends at the back, he's with Yoshinori and Hyunsuk.

"Junghwan was dragged by some men in black, fucking bullshit!" Avenue yells and kicked the trashcan on the corner. Azure immediately tap his friend's shoulder.

"Hyung, track his device" Avenue commanded at Perxius, and he obeyed.

Gladly, he successfully tracked Junghwan's location. He's at an abandoned building.

"Let's fucking go there. Naiku, prepare the guns. I will fucking shoot those fucking brats one by one" Vladimir said and Azure dramatically dialed someone on his phone.

Meanwhile, inside the abandoned building.

"Hyung, are you sure that Demonitrio will not kill us with this? that person is really scary" Spencer whispers as he shake Harrison's shoulder.

"Shut up Jaehyuk, we will make this person confess to him." Harrison said as he type a death threat to his own friend.

Junghwan is tied up on a chair with a blindfold on his eyes and a handkerchief on his mouth. He's now crying and praying that the almighty will still give him a chance to live.

Spencer, Harrison, Eunice and Vernervio are the reason behind this stupid kidnapping.

Avenue is now driving his car faster again .

"DAAAAAMN, THIS IS MAKING ME CRAZY!" The CEO yells and drives even more faster.

Azure received a call again but this time, it was from the secretary.

"SIR, SOMEONE NAMED STACEY IS LOOKING FOR THE PRESIDENT" The secretary said with irritation in her voice.

Azure told it to Avenue but the he just ignored it and proceeds on driving.

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