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Today, the handsome CEO is walking with his straight face and sexy cold aura. He's late for today's meeting, but he doesn't even care.

When he open the door, the directors and other employees automatically stood up and greeted him.

The meeting finally started, they're discussing about the famous park in Seoul. They agreed to build another building there to invest. The CEO is also determined to build it there. After the meeting was adjourned, he went to his office.

"Hey Junghwan-ah, have you heard about the news already? A company wants to buy the Treasure Park. What's your thoughts about this?" Jeongwoo, who's also a nursery teacher asked him.

The Treasure Park has a very special place in Junghwan's heart. In that park, he also met a very special person. When he's only 8 years old, the orphanage did a charity event and rented the whole park. The sponsor of the charity is still unknown. He met a boy who was all in black clothes that time, that boy gave him a handkerchief for having a sauce of ketchup on his cheek.

That day, the boy and him had a great time while eating next to each other. Little did he know, that boy was the reason why a charity happened.

"Really? If that was true then I would be sad. That's a special place for me and the kids loves that park and I met him there..." Jeongwoo did not even heard the last few words.

So, who's "him" that he met in the Park?

"You are right, want to have a protest? haha." Jeongwoo playfully asks with a chuckle.

"Do it by yourself, I don't want to embarrass myself."Junghwan said with a chuckle and left him on the hallway.

When he reached the classroom to get his other things, his phone vibrated.

Hi sweetheart, are you free today?


I'll take that as a yes.

We will meet today.

I will pick you up.


"Wah, this monster is really something." Junghwan whispers to himself, he already went outside to escape from him but sadly, the familiar lamborghini is already waiting for him, with a handsome driver sitting on the car.

"Are you surprised? Yes, you are. Okay get in, we will go to a hotel." The handsome man said without even stuttering. The younger flinched and looked at him.

"YOU'RE REALLY CRAZY!" Junghwan shouted and walked straight to the car.

"Just kidding, you will treat me today. Tell me a place you want to go, we will have our second date there." The monster said with a smile and finally started the engine.

"Treasure Park." The younger answered, the monster grinned, they're both thinking of the same thing.

"Are you serious? That's Avenue Watanabe, why would he smile and laugh tsk." Asahi said in disbelief as he gossip with the CEO's  secretary.

"I'm serious, Sir! He's much more handsome when he smile." The secretary said while thinking of him again, Asahi rolled his eyes because this secretary is fantasizing about his friend again. Sooner, she will be fired. Asahi believes to himself.

Territorial BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now