Chapter 25: On the Case

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"Yes, he pulled me aside to speak with me about my painting in the art show," I confessed, which was only sorta true. The urge to blurt out, he attacked me and turned into a monster was tempting, but also foolish. Johnson scribbled furiously at my answer, I assume, writing it down.

"And then...?"

"And then we talked about art for a bit before I wanted to go back down to the show, but I never made it because I fainted."

There was a moment of silence, I could tell from the feelings they were projecting that they didn't believe me.

"You, fainted?" Johnson repeated, his voice incredulous.

I sniffed slightly. "I'm not in the best of health."

"What does that mean?" Detective Thompson pressed.

"I'd rather not discuss my medical history with you," I bit back, somewhat nasty.

That was apparently not the correct answer to give and I could feel their irritation and suspicion explode all around me.

Detective Johnson opened his mouth, his brow furrowed. "Look-"

"This will go a lot smoother for you if you just answer our questions honestly," Thompson said, cutting off his partner's possible outburst.

"I am being honest. Has something happened to Mr. Burke?" I pressed, knowing they had no body or actual witnesses to his death. I was tired of standing here, talking to these detectives. I just wanted to go home.

"His family has reported him missing," Detective Thompson answered, watching my reaction carefully. "We are following up on any leads."

My mouth dropped, surprised that they would follow up on his disappearance so quickly, but maybe the family was close. I placed my hand over my mouth, hoping the worry I felt for myself translated as worry for my teacher.

"That's terrible," I muttered. "They never said anything at school, except that he quit without notice. I wish I could tell you something, but we only talked for a few minutes before he left and I went home."

"You said earlier that you fainted? Did anyone help you? Who took you home?"

"My grandfather, he was near me when it happened."

Thompson was silent as he stared at me, Johnson made a grunting noise as he scribbled a few more notes. I turned to look over at my friends, all waiting patiently at the other side of the gate. I could tell from Casimir's face that he could hear everything, thanks to his advanced hearing. Thompson made a coughing noise, trying to focus my attention back on them.

I glanced between the two detectives before asking, "Can I leave now? I have to get home."

They seemed reluctant to let me leave but I guess they were out of questions. I wondered again about the security footage, perhaps it didn't show grandpa or Casimir so they would be safe. Thompson pulled a business card from his pocket, handing it to me.

"If you think of anything, please give us a call," he said, placing the card in my outstretched hand.

"We may have some more questions," Detective Johnson spat out, flipping his notepad closed with a flourish.

     "We may have some more questions," Detective Johnson spat out, flipping his notepad closed with a flourish

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