Day 5 - New Life

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No response.


Prod again.

"I think he's dead."

"Should we tell Kong?"

"Tell Kong what? That his bride is dead? I'm not going to be the one that's for sure." the voice scoffed.

The main hall doors swung open and in walked said Water God.

"Tell me what?"

"Aim said your bride's dead!" Oak quickly supplied, pointing an accusatory finger at Aim who was now positively glowering at him.

Kongpob sighed.

You would think that after eons, the human race would finally adapt and finally learn to breathe underwater but no, they didn't and that's why every single one of his brides arrived dead.

"You know what to do then." He sighed as he waved an arm towards the body lying on the floor of the main hall.

Before he could take another step away, the supposedly dead body coughed and sputtered, struggling to breathe as he coughed up mouthfuls of seawater.

Kongpob's eyes widened as he rushed to the guy's side, patting his back as he muttered, "Breathe, just breathe. That's it."

"I thought you were dead." he hissed, not at the guy but at the two alarmed subordinates of his who currently resembled sputtering goldfish. Maybe he really should consider turning them into one. It really was time.

"Well, yeah? So did I." The pale skinned guy heaved deeply, trying to regain his breath. Looking around, he asked. "Exactly where am I right now?"

"My palace."

"Palace? I was drowned at sea! How the hell did I get from the sea to the palace? You'd better not tell me there is some secret pathway crap."

"You're in the Eastern Palace of the Water God." Aim supplied, gesturing to their surroundings.

"The WHAT?" The pale boy shrieked, scrambling to his feet.

""Eastern Palace."

"No, not that. What did you say after that?"

"Water.. God?" Aim said slowly, pointing right back to Kongpob who was silently observing the boy panic.

"You're the Bride of the Water God." Oak piped up excitedly.

"The WHAT?" Came the shriek again.

"I'm starting to think maybe his brain got damaged from the water." Aim whispered to Oak, jerking his head in the direction of the boy who was now having a meltdown in the middle of the Great Hall.

"You, Bride." Aim pointed at him, then turned around to point at Kongpob, "Him, Water God."

Then adding one large gesture over his head, "This, Eastern Palace."

"No, no, no. All I did was fall off the boat. WHY AM I A BRIDE? I'm a man for god's sake!" The pale man marched up to Kongpob while yelling, running his hand through his hair repeatedly.

"You didn't fall off. You were pushed. They brought you to the sea to be sacrificed. As they do with all the brides, every single year." Kongpob sighed as he explained, pulling the frantic human's hands into his.

"But you can stay here now, with me." His voice was laced with hope. Hope that Aim and Oak did not fail to miss.

"What? No! I have to go back!" The guy's eyes darted around, looking for an exit.

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