"If you saw, just laugh and go away." Kyunghwan turned away from you to walk back up the stairs. He didn't take your tissues which you figured he wouldn't. Still, you found yourself reaching out to grab him and that only annoyed him further. "What?"

"You're not..." You started, but you couldn't get yourself to finish. For some reason the words just wouldn't come out. Kyunghwan stared at you quietly until he knew you weren't going to finish your sentence. He brought his hand to his wrist, gently shoving your hand off.

"Thanks anyway." Kyunghwan stopped looking at you to keep walking back to his room. He wasn't going to stop you from leaving the house and doing whatever you want. He didn't tease you or pester. He only grew more distant from you and you didn't fight it as you went down the stairs to continue your day. The atmosphere at the Kang estate felt heavy as ever.


You disliked your brother a lot and then sometimes...sometimes you remember that the two of you go through similar things. It wouldn't be a stretch to say Father hates the both of you equally. That didn't bother you as much as it bothered Kyunghwan. It was times like this that got you thinking. You always wish Kyunghwan would protect you, but you never protect him either. All you did was stand there and you could hardly comfort him. Not to mention in the past you have purposefully lied to get Kyunghwan in trouble and he was verbally abused as punishment. What a pair of siblings you two were. Your whole family was a joke. No one knew how to be affectionate or care for each other without it feeling insincere. You all hurt each other.

Hoseok didn't know much about what was going on. Some things you revealed to him because you wanted to share. Getting his opinion on things helped and you appreciated the thought he put into his words. Still, not everything was shared with him. A large part of you felt shame. He had such a loving mother and a nice home life. It felt embarrassing bringing up your home life. It certainly looked nice from the outside. Hoseok knew by now that your family wasn't...great.

Even though he knew, you just didn't want to overwhelm him with that kind of stuff. No one really ever wants to hear about it and get involved. You gave Hoseok his space and if you felt like you needed to, you'd share. Otherwise, you did your best to live as normal as possible as always. You went to your classes, did your work, and spent time with Hoseok. The two of you finished up your classes today and headed to the thrift store. That's where you got the nice surprise of finding out Donghae and Yesung were there too. Naturally, things got interesting and it was the perfect distraction.

"So, you guys are going on a trip together? Alone?" Eunhyuk raised a brow at Hoseok and you. His tone was suspicious although his stance gave that away. He was trying hard with the crossed arms and the elevated chin however, Hoseok remained the slightest bit taller.

"Yep! It's a romantic getaway!" You cheered as Hoseok began to laugh loudly. Yesung and Donghae were obviously listening in. They were seated on the ottoman behind Eunhyuk, leaning over with their elbows resting on their knees. They weren't even saying anything, but you saw their eyes switching to whoever spoke.

"It's actually not. It's just a short trip to see a runway held at another college is all." Hoseok shrugged. He was doing his best to clarify and lower the suspicions from his friends yet they knew too much.

"A short trip doesn't mean staying overnight together at a hotel." Eunhyuk narrowed his eyes on Hoseok.

"Oooh, this is getting good," Donghae mumbled.

"One bed?" Yesung questioned.

"Of course!" You smiled. It'd honestly feel lonelier to sleep in separate beds. Nothing had to happen, but the three older men in front of you were freaking out from this information. Hoseok knew exactly what they were thinking and he needed them to stop. He just wished you hadn't revealed that kind of information. Then again, you were the one paying for everything.

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