Chapter 12

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Mama Miranda and Papa Jack were excellent help on informing Aspen on marriage and all of the human traditions.

Aspen did his own research first, so he had some idea.

"Papa Jack, Mama Miranda, I'd like for your permission to marry Harlow." He took a nervous sip of his coffee. "I know it's only been a few months-"

Miranda took his hand, slowing his anxious ramble.

"You're a sweet boy, like our son now. Perfect for our Harlow," Mama smiled, patting his hand.

"Of course you have our permission. We are so happy you asked. It means a lot to us," Jack finished.

Mama stood up to place a batch of cookies on the rack to cool, refilling all of their mugs.

Aspen felt warm from their acceptance, and honored that they seemed to care about him.

"I will admit, I don't know anything about marriage or weddings. I'm not sure what I am supposed to do from here."

"Does Harlow know you're here?"

He shook his head no.

Mama smiled and gave a short laugh, "I bet that's bothering you. You all aren't the type for secrets. Unfortunately, the next part has to be a secret too. Have you picked out a ring?"

"I have," Aspen said. "The proposal is supposed to be a surprise, right? Are you all around for that?"

"The proposal is a surprise. Usually, it's something memorable. I proposed to Miranda where we had our first date."

"But it's whatever you make of it," Miranda soothes, sensing his overwhelming thoughts. "If you want to have a party already planned or involve us in some way, that's up to you."


Aspen had gotten so caught up figuring out what Harlow would like that he didn't realize she had started to worry.

"Are you upset with me?" she asked a few days later as he got home.

He was late, like he had been all week. He had been swamped ever since his accident, and now he was trying to plan the Mating Ball.

"Upset?" he questioned, taking a seat beside her on their couch. "No, baby. Why would you think that?"

"You've been avoiding me." Her eyes found his, glistened with unshed tears.

"I'm not avoiding you. I promise. I've just been very busy," he admitted.

"Too busy for me?"

His heart broke into a million pieces at Harlow's pitiful words. He hesitantly brushed away a stray tear that landed on her cheek.

"Never too busy for you, which is why I was going to ask for your help. I can't take on this Mating Ball along with everything else. Do you think you can help me, baby?"

She nodded, still looking like a sad puppy and he couldn't have that.

Aspen lifted her into his lap, cuddling her tightly.

"You know I love you, right? With all of my heart." He gave her a sloppy, loud kiss that made her smile. He smiled back.

"Love you, Aspen," Harlow whispered. "You can ask for my help anytime."


Harlow couldn't find Aspen all day. He told her to meet him at the wildflowers on the edge of the woods, but he wasn't there.

She had been waiting for fifteen minutes and still hadn't heard anything. She couldn't imagine that he would set her up, although he was acting a little strange lately.

"Harlow," Aspen called, breaking her from her thoughts. He had a present in his hand. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get out here."

"It's okay," she smiled and he leaned down for a sweet kiss before taking a seat beside her on the bench.

"I have something for you," he said, handing her the box.

"What's the occasion?" Harlow asked curiously, taking in the beautiful wrapping paper. "Did you wrap this? It looks amazing."

His cheeks darkened slightly and Harlow giggled.

"I've never really wrapped a present before. Normally, I do gift bags," he admitted.

"You did great," she said, pulling the ribbon to release the bow.

Inside the box was an even smaller box, also wrapped. Harlow gave a perplexed laugh.

Once unwrapped, she realized she was holding a ring box.

The ring inside was stunning. It was small and simple, but exactly her style.

Aspen gently took it from her grasp, getting down on one knee. Her heart began beating erratically in her chest.

"Harlow, I know we haven't known each other that long, but I can't imagine my life without you. I love you. You're my everything, and I want to be your forever in all traditions, both yours and mine. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

She sunk down next to him, unable to speak as she looked at the beautiful man who changed her life.

Aspen gently wiped her tears, bending down to brush his lips with hers.

"Of course I'll marry you," she said finally with a sniffle, reaching for him so she could cuddle into his chest. "I love you with all of my heart. Is this what you've been up to?"

He slid the ring on her finger and they both took a minute to admire it.

"This part was easy," he said, picking up her hand. "But the other, not so much."

"The other?" Harlow asked curiously.

"Come on, let me show you."

He helped her up, and together they walked to the pack house. The place was decorated immaculately with balloons and twinkling lights. It was like a dream.

Rounds of applause and congratulations echoed throughout the room.

"I thought we could celebrate our engagement," Aspen grinned. "I was pretty confident you would say yes."

Harlow threw her head back with a laugh. "This is amazing. I can't believe everybody was in on it."

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