Chapter 9

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It had been nearly two days without any word from Aspen. Harlow was completely beside herself.

Lisa hadn't heard anything from Rocco either and that only added to their worry.

Harlow had just settled in for bed, at her house this time. She had given up on sleep all together, so there was no need for her to bother her parents.

Pounding at her front door jolted her from a light doze and her heart picked up speed. Who would be bothering her at this time of night?

"Harlow! It's Lisa!"

"Lisa?" Harlow asked, opening the door with a yawn. "What is going on? Is everything okay?"

"They just got back! Aspen and Rocco are in the infirmary!"

"The infirmary?" she exclaimed, pulling on a jacket and shoes. "Is he okay?"

Lisa took a deep breath, looking like she had just ran a marathon. "I have no idea. Rocco is there too. I got here as fast as I could."

Harlow was dizzy with nausea as she and Lisa drove to the clinic. Please let him be okay.

The building was chaotic when she stepped in. There were warriors spread out all over the floor being treated for relatively minor injuries. It didn't seem anybody was seriously hurt, which would be a relief if she didn't hear Aspen practically shouting from back room.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I have to get up to see Harlow." Aspen struggled to sit up, holding his side. He just needed his mate.

"Alpha, you need to stay in bed. Luna will be here soon."

"I don't want soon. I want her now. Help me up."

That's when Harlow walked in, and he has never been so happy to see her.

"Aspen," she said, tears of relief filling her eyes as she searched with her eyes for injuries. He looked like hell, with a black eye and he was clutching his side as he forced himself upright with a groan.

"There's my girl," he smiled slightly with a grimace. He held out his arms and she hesitantly walked forward, just barely touching him.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack. Where are you injured?" She turned to the doctor who was writing something down.

"Alpha was stabbed in the side, and kicked in the ribs. He needs to stay laying down so he doesn't rip the stitches."

"Stabbed?" Harlow exclaimed, moving back. "Aspen, listen to the doctor and lay down. And you're eye, what happened there?"

"No, come back. I want to hold you," he practically whined, holding his arms out like a child. "I missed you so fucking much, sweetheart. You haven't even given me a kiss."

"If I give you a kiss will you lay down?"

"I might need two," he said. "This," he pointed to his black eye. "was from a faceplant from being kicked by a dumbass."

Harlow had to bite back a laugh. How could he be so goofy at a time like this? "Alright, I think you must be sleep deprived. You need to settle down."

"I'm mate deprived. Come here," he demanded and this time she complied, walking forward to give him a sweet kiss. "No offense, but you look like hell, baby."

"Offense taken," Harlow rolled her eyes. "I was worried sick."

She leaned down to give him the second kiss he asked for and he gave a happy sigh.

"I didn't have service or I would've sent a text. You know that, right? But everything went well. There was a little scuffle, but we were successful."

He scooted back with a wince, settling under the blankets.

"Listen, I was stabbed right here." He pointed to his left side. "And kicked right here." He pointed to his left ribs. "Which means you can lay here." He patted the right side of the bed.

"Luna, he just needs to keep the pressure off that wound for 48 hours. We're going to monitor it for infection and bleeding. As stab wounds go, it's not in the most severe location, but it is in a place that has a lot of movement. Just keep him still for the next two days and he will be fine."

"Thank you, doctor," Harlow smiled, shaking his hand as he left the room.

"Get over here. I won't ask again," Aspen demanded playfully, his eyes already closed.

"Aspen, no. You're hurt. I'll stay right here until you wake up." Harlow dragged a chair to his bedside.

"Harlow, no," he mimicked. "You need to sleep. I can tell you haven't slept one bit. Have you been eating?"

She gave in and climbed into the bed as gently as possible, trying not to jostle the mattress. She pushed herself all the way against the rail, trying not to lean on him.

Aspen knew she didn't answer the question and frowned. He couldn't really say anything because his behavior was the same. He was a wreck without her, and totally off his game which caused this mess.

He forced himself to move closer to the bottom of the bed so he could rest his head on her chest.

She ran her fingers through his hair comfortingly and he yawned.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you," she whispered back. "Get some rest."

They both had a blissful sleep.

Harlow and Her MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin