Chapter 7

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"Mama," Harlow cried, racing to the car. "Papa. I can't believe you're here."

She was wrapped in a warm embrace that was so familiar.

"We missed you so much," Mama said squeezing her tight. "Look at you. Is this even our Harlow?" she asked Papa who smiled fondly.

Harlow felt a hand on her back, "Guys, this is Aspen, my mate. Aspen this is my mom Miranda and my dad Jack."

"It's truly a pleasure," Aspen said, shaking Papa's hand. "My pack is honored that you have decided to stay with us."

"What a sweet, young man you are," Mama crooned, reaching up to pat his cheek. "I'd like to apologize that we have judged you and your kind so harshly without getting to know you. Jack and I are so thankful for you taking care of our Harlow."

Aspen seemed to glow with Mama's approval, and Harlow smiled joyfully.

"Come on, I can't wait for you to see your house. I picked everything out myself."

Mama was stunned by the house's beauty. It was everything she had ever dreamed about.

"Oh, pumpkin, this is lovely but there's no way Papa and I can afford this."

"Harlow and I have already taken care of it. It's a gift, from us and the pack."

Aspen was stunned when he was wrapped in a hug. It was so motherly that it made his heart ache.

"You're a blessing," she whispered.

"What about you, do you like it, Papa?" Harlow asked the quiet man.

"It's nice," he smiled, taking a seat in the recliner that was very much like his old one, except this one didn't have springs that dug into his back.

"I know it was a long car ride," Harlow started. "How about I leave you guys to get settled? Aspen and I will cook you dinner at our place and then we can catch up."

Mama nodded, "Papa might need a ride if his leg is bothering him."

Aspen carried in their bags and few boxes before leaving with his bouncy mate.

"This feels like a dream," she twirled slightly, looking radiant and stunning. "It's all I've ever wanted for them."

She stopped, turning to look at her stunning mate. This wouldn't be possible without him, and he was currently looking at her like she held the world.

She walked towards him and he wrapped her in his arms. She snuggled close with a content sigh.

"I love seeing you happy," he said, pressing his cheek to her head.

"You make me happy," she murmured. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me. I know it's only been a few weeks, but I've never felt anything like this before."

"You're the sweetest," Aspen smiled, feeling his heart thump blissfully in his chest. "Come on, let's get home and rest for awhile. "

"I didn't think I would want to nap, but I hardly slept I was so excited last night," Harlow yawned, crawling under the blankets.

"Believe me, I know," Aspen playfully rolled his eyes. "You kept moving around."

"Maybe it's time for you to get that guest bed," she teased, thumping him with a pillow.

"Quit. That's assault," he whined, tossing it back. He couldn't bring himself to hit her with it. What if he hurt her?

I love you. Harlow really wanted to say it, but was scared of what he might think. It was too soon.

"Will you wake me up in about an hour? I know Mama and Papa will be hungry after they settle."

He pulled her into his chest, leaning down to kiss her forehead, "Of course, love. I made sure to have the pack ladies stock their fridge and pantry."

"That was so thoughtful, Aspen. You're incredible."

She snuggled close, feeling like she had conquered the world.


"That smells amazing, Harlow," Mama grinned, patting her back.

"I learned how to cook from the best," she smiled.

They were making homemade pizzas. Harlow thought it was a good way to get everybody working together in the kitchen, and it was going really well. Her parents seemed to love her mate just as much as she did

"I was thinking tomorrow if you were up for it, Mama, that we could go visit the cooks, or I could even take you to the school to visit the pups."

"I think I would like that!" Mama exclaimed, taking a bite of her cheesy pizza.

"And Papa Jack, if you were up for it, I could always use an extra hand with my pack duties?" Aspen suggested

"Really? I mean, I'm not sure I'd be much help-"

Harlow could see it absolutely tickled her father to be asked to help. He was pretty much written off as a lost cause for any job because of his leg that hurt to stand on too long, or got stiff if he sat too long. He was such a hard-worker, and stubborn. It ate away all of his pride when he couldn't pull his own weight.

"Nonsense. There's always so much to be done. If not with me, then my beta, Rocco, has some ideas too."

"Aww, you're just the sweetest pair," Mama cooed. "Truly, we are so thankful for you, Aspen. Your pack is beautiful and strong. We are so happy we get to be apart of it."

"It feels good to get some fresh air," Papa sighed. "Your mom and I were never the city type, but we did what we had to do."

"I'm thankful for all the sacrifices you guys have made for me, and I feel lucky that I can now pay you back in some way," Harlow smiled, reaching over to squeeze her mom's hand. She felt Aspen reach his arm around her chair, keeping a comforting hand on her back.

"I did manage to bring all of your favorite boardgames."

"Really?" she loved the few they had. They held so many good memories.

"Monopoly, Parcheesi, Scrabble and whatever else you had."

Aspen frowned, looking down at Harlow with a whisper, "I don't think I know what any of those are."

"You've never played a board game?" she whispered back.

He shook his head.

She grinned, "You have a lot to learn then."

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