Chapter 4

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Harlow cried into her hands after the call ended. She hadn't allowed herself to cry the entire month, so it had been building until this point.

"Harlow," Aspen said lowly, sitting tentatively next to her shaking figure. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head, unable to stop the tears.

"Alright, come here," he said, holding out his arms. She moved into his embrace that was warm and safe. Touching him made her feel grounded and strong. It was odd considering she was having an actual breakdown.

"Shh," he soothed, rubbing her back. "It's going to be okay."

Aspen was glad he came back when he did. It tore him up seeing his mate like this. Was he the cause of it?

She finally gave an exhausted sigh, pulling away so she could wipe the tears away with her palm.

"Can you tell me what caused this?" he asked, reaching up to brush away the hair from her face.

"I just miss my parents, and everything last night," she shook her head again, looking up into his beautiful eyes. "I'm sorry for the things I said this morning."

"Don't be sorry," he said. "I just don't want you thinking you don't have any choice."

Harlow leaned forward to rest on his chest. His smell and warmth covered her like a warm blanket. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad.

"If you miss your parents that much, they can come visit. I'm not going to keep you from them," Aspen said, the vibration of his deep voice lulling her like gentle waves.

She sat up shocked, "Are you serious?"

"Did you think you wouldn't ever see them again?" he asked indecrelousy.

When she didn't respond he cursed, "Fuck, sweetheart. What did they tell you? We're not monsters."

"I see that now," she said, going back to resting. He continued to rub her back. "Either way, it's too far for them to travel. They don't have a car."

"I could send someone to go get them," he reassured. "Or you could go."

"I can't drive," Harlow admitted. "We always walked or took a bus."

He nodded, his head running with the condition of the human slums he had visited before.

They continued to share information, like how he was thirty and she was twenty, and how she worked six days a week as a secretary. He imagined she's worked harder than he ever had.

"What do your parents do?" he asked curiously.

"Papa got laid off after an injury and Mama is a seamstress part time."

It would seem that most of their money came from Harlow, and maybe that's why it was a major stress factor for her.

All of this self pity Aspen had over the last few years felt stupid after realizing the life his selfless mate had. She was to be treasured, and he was confident he could show her her worth.

"You haven't been outside yet, but my house is kind of away from the others. How about we tour a few that are available, for your parents? You could talk to them about staying here in the pack. No harm will come to them, honestly. Humans are very accepted and I have a feeling that they would fit right in."

Harlow couldn't believe what she was hearing. All she ever wanted was for her parents to be happy and comfortable, and this man that didn't even know her was promising her everything she had ever dreamed of.

"Aspen," she whispered, reaching up to cup his face. "Are you even real?"

He smiled a gently, loving smile that truly warmed her inside and out. "I could ask you that. You're selfless and brave. I'm absolutely honored that you are my mate."

She leaned down to brush her lips with his. She had never felt this way in her entire life, and it only made her feel guilter from her actions this morning.

In that moment, she promised herself to let go of the stories she had heard, and give Aspen a chance.

He didn't push back into the kiss as much as he wanted to. They were still getting to know each other, and he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"I know it's a lot at once, but would you consider having dinner with the pack tonight?"

Harlow thought it over. She knew he would make sure she was okay and safe. "I think I'd like that."

Aspen smiled as she settled back on his chest. Nothing could be better than this. Not to mention the fact that he might have new family to add to this. Maybe they could be parents to him, too.

He covered her gently in a blanket, and decided to take a rest of his own. He was unbelievably happy.


"I'm Rocco, and this is my mate Lisa and our son Benny," a tall, skinny man greeted. He was Aspen's beta which meant he was second in charge or something. Harlow was still working on the details.

Lisa was kind, but hyper. She seemed to bounce around the room with an abundant amount of conversation.

"Harlow. Hi, it's a pleasure," Lisa smiled, grasping her hand gently. "We're all so happy you're here."

Benny was adorable and immediately took a liking to her.

"Can I hold him?" Harlow asked hesitantly. He had to be about a year old but he was all smiles and giggles. He was such a happy baby.

She felt eyes on her and found Aspen watching her across the room. His face remained stoic, but she could feel the fondness rolling off of him.

"Come on, I'll show you where we eat," Lisa smiled, taking Benny from her.

The amount of food and conversation was ridiculous. Everyone was so kind and sweet to each other, it felt like one big family. There had to be maybe fifty or so people, so it was definitely a lot. Oddly, Harlow didn't feel out of place.

Her thoughts began to run again. Her Mama was a people person, and she could see her fitting right in here. The apartments that they lived in were shady, and while there was a similar sense of community, life was very much sheltered and restricted.

This, though, this felt free and good.

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