Alfreds Nightmares

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      After the nations had time to process what the fuck just happened and after they had lunch, They all gathered again in the meeting room ready to continue this book. As they all gathered you could see England and France actually getting along, And Italy still bothering Germany about pasta, Japan and China were just there.  Canada, America, And Russia were just sitting together seeing as how they have been on good terms throughout this whole ordeal.

"ALRIGHT!! LET'S CONTINUE THIS" shouted Germany aka Ludwing who was fed up with this whole thing.
"I will read now, Da?" Said Russia aka Ivan.


 Alfred only has two Nightmares that scare him no matter what and you will be watching them both. But not Alfred ... He's already seen them! To much okay?

They all then Got teleported into the memory ....

 They were all in the meeting room with doubles of themselves and Alfred was there talking with the double of France and England.

" I don't get it this seems normal" Said Italy. "How-a is this a nightmare?"

All of a sudden The room went quiet.

"You had to jinx it? Didn't you Italy?" Said Canda aka Mattew.

They continued to watch as Alfred looked at the England in the dream and stepped back. They then noticed that everything had gotten slower and all of them but Alfred were fading away. Panicking Alfred rushed or tried to rush to everyone's side trying o figure out what's wrong and why they were fading.

"NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO," Alfred shouted as Russia was the last one to fade.

"Hey-a Porkchop!" Said a voice all to Filmilar to them all. ALLEN!

"Allen? What are you doing here?" Said Alfred who was crying.

"Hey, I just came for a visit! But seeing that happen.... Do you wanna come to my world with me?" Allen said he was visibly frowning.

And then that dream was over by fading into black. They were then teleported into the next dream.


They were teleported into what seemed to be America after the revlituion war. They were in a room with Alfred and George Washington. Alfred seemed to not want to be there for some reason, Which they all thought was wired.

"Alfred, as you know we are now free from the British we are our own nation," George said. "And that we have to be strong but you have to be stronger"

As soon as that was said soldiers came in.

"So get stronger Alfred, So no one can take us down," George said as the soldiers began to attack Alfred.
After Alfred had defeated all the soldiers he was extremely tired and then felt a burning pain in his back as Washington had just put a burning metal plate that was in the form of USA. On Alfreds back. And as Alfred was backing up he fell into a hole as all of a sudden it was filling with blood the blood of all the people he couldn't save.


They were all then teleported out and back to the meeting room. Everyone was quiet not a sound was made. They all looked for Alfred to find him passed out in his chair. They were going to make sure they got the whole story. Wither it be from the book or from him.




The American secret journal. (over im done writing it)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon