When Alfred gets sick.

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So um I'm kind of sick and until I'm better. the chapters will be a bit slow and idk...



Russia then began to read the book. "When America is sick he will have one of four outcomes, one of them is angry sick which makes Alfred really angry, and will fight anyone once he gets the strength too, to which Mattew has named ASA which means angry sick Alfred. Another one is sad, during this outcome Alfred will just start crying out of no were cling on to Mattew, Mattews name for this outcome is SSA (Sad sick Alfred). The third outcome is Numb Alfred during this time he will show no emotion and will be very quiet to the point you won't notice him behind you until it's too late and he scares you, Mattews's name for this one is NSF (Numb sick Alfred). And the last one is, Giggly Alfred During this one Alfred will be very happy and will want to fight Russia, Mattew would then call him over and use a code word 'sick sun flower' Russia would then come over and then poke Alfred in the head causing him to giggle like mad and then hug the both of them until he then passed out. Mattew's name for this one is Sunshine flower' Da those are some of my favorite times with you two" Russia finished while smiling at the memories. Then before anyone could say any more memories started playing.


 They saw Mattew walk into Alfred's house with a bag which was most likely filled with soup. He then went into Alfred's room muttering something along the lines of 'not again' and 'better call Russia soon' They then saw sick Alfred glaring at Mattew. "What the fuck are you doing here Canada?" ASA said. 

Everyone was surprised to hear Alfred swear but also call Mattew Canada. They then went into another memory.

This time in the memory they were in the living room Mattew was their laying down on the couch with Alfred cuddling and crying. "Never leave me, Mattie, not like the others...... P-please" The nations were surprised about this and the fact that THE ALFRED WAS CRYING. and this caused Italy to began crying.

Then another memory showed up dealing with sick numb Alfred.... the creepiest of the bunch..

Mattew this time was in the kitchen mumbling about how he needed a bell. And then all of a sudden their was Alfred just staring at him by the island counter. just waiting for the soup to be done and to be noticed by Mattew. And when Mattew turned around He let out the girliest scream the others looked at the island seeing Alfred but not the one they knew, His eyes didn't have the shine they usually have and he didn't even smile he just stared.

That one freaked out the nations the most their responses were along the lines of



And many many more surprised noises even the Asians were surprised by this. the only ones that were not surprised were Russia/ Ivan, Canada/ Mattew, and America/ Alfred. And then the final memory of Alfred being sick played.

This time both Mattew and Ivan were entering Alfred House. "Hey Alfie, me and Ivan are here!" Shouted Mattew. "Over here in the living room guys" And as they followed the memory they saw Alfred laying on the floor a giggling mess he then got up very quickly and tackled them both down. "boop," Alfred said while poking both their noses then running away somewhere in the house. " You know what to do right comrade Mattew?" Ivan asked Mattew. To which Mattew nodded. They then watched as the memory showed Mattew and Ivan trying to get Alfred down from a chandlery, from being eaten by wolves, and getting run over. By the end of it, Ivan was bear-hugging Alfred to make sure he didn't do anything more.


The memories then stopped and they decided to get some lunch trying to figure out what the ever-loving fuck they saw. And some couldn't get over the fact that Alfred swore in one of their memories aka Auther/ England.


Hey sorry for not uploading but like when I first did this chapter I forgot to save and the crossed-out so I had to rewrite all of this... SAD anyway have a great day or night. andddddddd the next chapters name will BE UMMMMM ALFRED WORST NIGHTMARES!

have fun :)

(Words 745)

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