Chapter 19 - Planning

Start from the beginning

Are you kidding me ? Wedding dress shopping with Levi.

I turned my head quickly to Hange as Erwin started peering at our wine collection, a devious plotting smile crawling up his face as his hand slowly raised to a bottle
"Can we trade.. please!"
I begged pressing my hands together, Hange kept her eyes glued on the planner while shaking her head
"Nope this isn't a custody battle, take Levi with you I need Erwin"
Her voice was stern and wasn't willing to budge, a groan escaped my lips as I spun around looking at Levi, his face was stoic and in a permanent frown while his eyebrow crooked up.

"I'm insulted that you don't trust my dress choices"

Dress choices?! Levi can barely pick if he wants blue ink or black in?!

It was about twenty dresses and insults later we went into our second dress shop, I was looking for a more softer, elegant close to cottage-core wedding dress.
Something with mesh poofy long sleeves, a tight corsetted bust and a flowey bottom, long enough to hit the floor but not too long where it has a train.
My hands trailed the rail of dresses before a mannequin caught my eye, there it was..

The exact dress I wanted.

I never had an eye for white dresses, I've always wanted a light pastel dress either a cream, lilac or light sage green.
I held onto its sleeves and saw a worker walking towards me
"Hi doll, I can see you're eyeing up our newest release"
She chirped, she was medium height with a petite build, platinum blonde hair that fell to her chest that was silky smooth with light beach waves, her bright blue eyes was blinding enough to stop traffic I had to squint.
"We want to try it.  Nearest dressing room?"
Levi dismissed the girl's chance of a conversation, she was taken aback for a second before letting out a soft chuckle leaning towards me from the side
"Husband just wanting to get everything over and done with huh?"

My eyes widened as I felt my throat tighten like I was gonna gag,
"God no, he's the maid of honour"
I snuck a peek at Levi before leaning back to the girl, whispering quietly near her ear
"Or dishonour should I say"

Levi snarled kicking my ankles, I let out a yelp before returning a glare to the little shit.
The girl burst out laughing before picking up the dress in my size before walking us to a dressing room
"You two are very funny, I'm Historia by the way, incase you need anything, would you like any help changing into the dress?"
Historia smiled holding open the curtain, I shook my head at her before gently holding the dress, it was very lightweight which was already a huge green flag, not wanting the dress to drag my weight down and be more of a burden to wear.
"Well I'll be outside of the curtain if you need any help with zipping up, I've got some clips here aswell if we need to make any alterations if any areas are too loose or too tight"
She nodded as I walked into the dressing room.

Just under the curtain I could see Levi's feet strop over to the velvet chair by the viewing platform, I took a deep breath before stripping out of my clothes and stepping into the dress, luckily for me I had brought my heels.. well I say heels, they were platformed silk white high heels with a chunky heel and pearls loosely draping over the foot and around the ankle alongside the strap.
It fit like a dream even without needing to zip it up, the only thing that had gone right about this entire wedding planning that hadn't stressed me out beyond belief was this dress.
I felt like I didn't even need Levi's input, this was the dress.
"Could I have some help zipping it up please?"
I peeked my head out of the curtain looking over at Historia, she nodded before walking in closing the curtain behind her, her eyes widening at the dress
"This looks utterly stunning doll! You look amazing!"
She squealed while zipping me up, the zip was placed in the middle of the back and perfectly hidden by the fabric as the zip was the exact same colour.

I smiled softly at the girl before she lead the way out onto the platform where I could see the dress in all its glory, a wide smile placed on my face as I turned to see the back of it through the mirrors, glancing at Levi's face through the mirror as his face stayed its stoic self, I furrowed my brows at the boy before turning my body to look at him.
"Just say you hate it, I'm still getting it Levi"
I sighed and adjusted the sleeves looking back into the mirror, placing one foot infront of the other to see how it would look while walking
Levi scoffed and raised an eyebrow
"You really thought I'd hate this dress?"
He stood up and walked towards me, standing behind me he placed his hands on my shoulders forcing me to face towards the mirror.

"The square neckline suits your torso and shoulder shape, with that neckline you can wear your pearl choker that I got you for your 20th if you haven't lost it, it'll match your shoes, talking about shoes the shade of the white silk and how it reflects grey contrasts well with the dress but not too much that it's ugly. The sleeves are perfectly transparent, not too see through and not to opaque and they are runched together at the wrist tight enough to not look like a child's Pom-Pom"
He began to rant, both mine and Historia's eyes began widening as he continued on with his list.
"The bust being corseted works really well with your shape, the boning of it being just to each side of your breasts and going just midway before stopping just above your waist and starting on the skirt which is right in the middle of being too flowey and too straight, it doesn't take the piss or have too much tule it looks like you're going to a toddlers and tiaras beauty pageant"

I stared at Levi with wide eyes, I mean he wasn't wrong, he was spot on with every part of his critiques it was baffling.
"Do you want a job here? You can have mine"
Historia spoke in shock, her jaw practically touching the floor getting carpet burns at this point.

"We're home baby!"
I yelled out, holding the dress in its blacked out carrier so Hange couldn't see in, hearing Hange's and Erwin's muffled voices coming from the kitchen, I placed the dress down on the back of the sofa as Levi closed the door behind him.
I began walking to the kitchen before scooping Tink up on my way, holding her close to my chest as she crawled up to my shoulder plopping herself down as she was still a tiny little kitten.

"Hey gorgeous! How was dress shopping?"
Hange hiccuped, throwing her arms up, clearly tipsy as she held onto a wine glass filled with nothing but tequila.
I chuckled and glanced over at Levi before nodding, taking Tink off of my shoulders and holding her in my arms at my chest
"It went really well, Levi was surprisingly helpful and didn't make me want to claw my eyes out, if anything he stopped me"

"I thought I was meant to go dress shopping with you?"
Erwin pouted, looking over at Hange placing his glass down before dramatically pointing at her also clearly tipsy, more leaning towards the drunk side


Yes it's been a year since I last updated and I'm so sorry about that guys!
I've been extremely busy with university and my personal life but here is your new chapter!
The next chapter will be the wedding !
After that there will be a spin-off of Y/N and Leon's past and a continuation of YN and Hange's relationship in dealing with Leon.
Thank you so much to everyone for staying with me through this story and it's future chapters!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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