|| 18 - Reunion ||

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(omfg- I just realized I accidentally kept calling Jack 'him/his'- please ignore my past mistakes- Their pronouns are they/them. Anyways- Enjoy this chapter!)


It was just for one day so they wanted to hang out as much as possible, of course, with Izuku still doing his patrols. What they didn't know is that they would see bump into each other again.


Jack screamed, their eyes wide as a plate, an actual plate was on the ground broken and their hands were in the air. Izuku stood still, his scrunched up and losing his appetite. 

What happened you may think?

Wesley brought a huge ass spider into the lounge..

"Hell no"

The two words Izuku said before leaving, Jack not bothering to clean up the broken shards and booking it. Sallie looked at the ground "Wesley. Can you not take arachnids into the lounge?" she said in a toned down irritated voice.

Wesley pouted but went to his room's balcony to release the spider.

Faith was cleaning the broken shards, luckily the hotel staff didn't really check if there was one plate missing or broken so they wouldn't be accused of property damage.

The group booked a whole floor on the hotel, it was high class luxury because it wasn't just rooms every corner. It had a villa like feel to it, it had a lounge, multiple bedrooms, bathrooms, but no kitchen for some reason.

The hotel was close to their assigned areas for their missions so Izuku thought why not use dad's money to take the most expensive floor. Not like it damaged much of Hisashi's bank account.

They were planning on using the plates for something but since one got broken, that was now out the window. Deciding that food would make the day better, the gang got ready to head down to the hotel's food.

"Why don't we just get room service?"

Wesley asked, not having enough excitement to walk all the way down but didn't have to since they'll be taking the elevator.

Izuku shrugged "The food gets stale or cold since it takes too much time for them to bring it up" he explained, a bit annoyed since it was supposedly called one of the best hotels but here we are.

Parker shook his head "Just think of it as reason for you to move your legs.." He mumbled, Wesley stopped complaining since he was getting food in the end anyway.

All eight of them stood at the elevator, Izuku pushing the button to get to the 24/7 buffet floor. They vibed with the elevator music since Izuku thought it would be fun to hack the music and start blasting a song.. (that summons weebs).

Lily was recording the whole elevator ride, Izuku was proudly leaning on the elevator door as he sang. Wesley butchering the tune and just screaming the lyrics while headbanging like some sort of rock n roll geek, Parker in the corner, curled in a ball. Jack leaning and nodding their head.

Sallie was laughing with Lily when Izuku and Faith joined Wesley on the headbanging, all three messing up their hair but none minded.

Unbeknownst to them, outside the elevator, when it passed a floor the people outside stopped and stared, hearing the music.. they were both bewildered that the hotel would play that sort of music and amused.

When the elevator stopped at the buffet floor, they quickly composed themselves and acted weirded out "Why would such a high class hotel play that?" Sallie asked, her cheek resting on her hand as she had a 'disappointed' face.

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