|| 4 - No more (Part 1) ||

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Previously :
"Get to class now. We're going to have a discussion" Aizawa said, his voice sounded like he had snapped..


Izuku laid in recovery girl's office, his breath still unsteady. Mina, Hanta, Hitoshi and Denki were all worried, they understood Izuku was strong, even without a quirk but his physical body wasn't the sturdiest.

Recovery girl smiled at the four friends "You four should get going to class, I'll make sure Midoriya heals up and gets a good rest" she said, not wanting the four to miss classes.


Class 1-A was silent. 

No one dared to open their mouths after the whole incident, Aizawa did nothing but stare, knowing full well that if he was the first one to speak, he'd end up losing his job by possibly hurting the teens in front of him.

"Sir... what will we be discussing..." Iida tried to break the intense and heavy silence.  Aizawa didn't sigh, he just spoke in the most 'I fucking despise you' tone of voice "Tell me why Bakugo was using his quirk on a fellow student." He ordered.

The class was once again silent, this time, instead of being intimidated, they just felt the pressure of fear. Aizawa tried to be patient but the silence pissed him off "Well?!" ...

"D-Deku... h-he i-insulted b-bakugo.. f-first" Uraraka stuttered quietly, some of the people in the class looked at Uraraka like she was insane, trying to lie to Aizawa when he was angry.

Before Aizawa could ask if there was witnesses to vouch for her, Shinso busted in and glared at Bakugo "OI BLASTY" he yelled, even though he was tired, he gathered his energy express how pissed off he was.

Bakugo looked at the purple haired insomniac "WHAT'D YOU CA--" he stopped, Shinso's brainwashing was now at work.

Aizawa nodded at his son (got adopted after certain events, his last name is now Shinso-Aizawa, why? idk just cuz) and glared at Uraraka before speaking to Bakugo. 

"What happened?"

Bakugo's eyes were blank, his lips moved to speak "Part of the class talked shit behind that nerd. Then he responded, I knew he was looking down on us even though he was quirkless so I got pissed and attacked him.." he said, Denki was being held back by Sero and Mina while Shinso was cracking his knuckles.


(Just to make things clear so people won't be like "But Izuku didn't look down on them!" Shinso's quirk, Brainwash makes people tell the truth to what the question was asked and the answer will vary depending on each person because it's a mental state thing- plus Bakugo's inferiority complex- yeah okay- sorry for interrupting this sub-par fanfic)


Aizawa told Shinso to release his quirk which he did, Bakugo was in a daze "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" He yelled, his fists out sparking a bit. Aizawa glared at him, removing Bakugo's quirk until he blinked.

No one spoke as Ashido, Sero and Kaminari sat down (much to their displeasure) while Shinso went back to his class and Aizawa went to visit Midoriya.


Izuku sat there, annoyed as hell. He would love to be cursing death upon Bakugo right now but unfortunately, his voice won't work, Recovery girl told him that it'll heal in a day or two.

Although he couldn't verbally hex Bakugo, he was thinking of multiple ways to use machines to fuck with him. Completely unaware that his teacher had been watching him glare at the wall in front of him for the past hour.

"Problem child.. what'd that wall do to you?"

Izuku snapped out of his trance and smiled tiredly at Aizawa and grabbed a piece of paper near his bed with a marker. << Hello Aizawa-Sensei >> he wrote down, Aizawa looked at him with sympathy.

"Does it hurt?"

<< Not much but not being able to speak >>

Aizawa sat at the chair next to the bed "Why didn't you tell any teachers that your class was talking behind your back?" he asked, genuinely curious since he knew that Midoriya wasn't a push over.

<< I recently found out too tbh, plus seems kinda childish to talk about trivial things to teachers? >>

Aizawa frowned "It's not trivial, Midoriya- no. Izuku, if you feel uncomfortable, tell us. You're one of the few children that we staff can count on" he said, feeling a bit disappointed.

Izuku saw the genuine concern on his face and let out a breath of relief.

<< Okay Aizawa Sensei >>

Aizawa patted his head "Get better kid, I need to go sleep in the class so they don't do anything" he said, earning a bright smile from the green haired boy.

As he felt, the smiling boy looked at the door. His mind thinking on how weak he felt, he felt powerless and useless. Izuku looked at his phone and somehow ended up looking through his photos. He smiled at the photo of him taking a selfie with Denki while in the back, you could see Sero taping Shino onto the lamp post while Mina was taking pics.

He scrolled to his first ever photo on the phone and his heart clutched at the memory.

It was a photo that his dad took using his phone to celebrate that day, Izuku had won the building competition in America. It was the first summer that he and his mom didn't live with his dad, he was merely 7 years old. 

Although he didn't like that his dad had to work abroad, he made friends there and he knew that his mom loved her job with her co workers.

In the picture, you could see Izuku smiling brightly holding the trophy with 7 other children, they were all hugging celebrating with Izuku. A few of them had cake on their faces while some had mud on their hands which you can clearly see since they were holding peace signs up to the camera.

Exiting his photo album, he texts his dad "I think I have my answer".


The day quickly passes by, Izuku was in Recovery girl's office the whole day because she needed to make sure his neck wouldn't leave a burn scar- ... yeah and he was also taking a liquid medicine to help his throat recover.

You know, after all that drama in the morning you would think that poor Midoriya could catch a break?- yeah no-


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