|| 11 - His strength ||

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(Why the food pic? idk I got hungry while writing so this was the result)
Previously :
"Then come here and fight me."


Even through the megaphone's filter, Izuku's voice felt like a cold void. Some in the arena felt the silent malice he was emitting while others prayed for the unimportant student.

The student from the other school smirked, she was one of the top students in Brunheart's enemy turf, Crystal High.

Honestly- Izuku cringed at the name that he was happy he rejected the recommendation for it.

Izuku wasn't no simp, girl or boy, he'd teach anyone a lesson to show them who's above.

Remy Douglas, the girl who wanted to prove that Izuku was nothing without his machines. 

Izuku didn't know her quirk since he didn't know her and frankly, he wasn't interested in knowing her considering her rude attitude.

The announcer coughed "So um.. NEW CHALLENGER!! THIS GIRL FROM ANOTHER SCHOOL VERSUS IZUKU MIDORIYA WHO WILL ONLY BE USING WEAPONS" he announced, Hisashi quietly contacting his lawyer, Inko slapped Hisashi's hands "We're not taking down a whole school for this... contact that girl's family though" Inko said with a smile.

Izuku grabbed the nearest weapon available, a knife and he wore black gloves that had an almost unnoticeable bulk to it.

"Is that it? You must be overconfident and arrogant if you think you'll be able to scratch me with a mere knife!!!" she laughed.

Izuku couldn't help but wonder why she's talking.


They got in position..


Remy's back started molding a small dent.
Izuku gripped the knife with a carefree expression.


Both rushed towards each other, Izuku's eyes were that of a beast looking at it's prey.

Remy's back had grown out eight spider legs, Izuku didn't hesitate or falter, jumping onto the air and landing on Remy's shoulders.

The landing made Remy fall to her knees before using her extra limbs to charge at Izuku, attempting to pierce him.

Izuku dodged each and every attempt and swung his arm, grazing her cheek before forcing his wrist down, piercing her leg. 

Before Remy could even scream, he had already round house kicked her in the jaw, grabbing onto her spider limbs and piercing all of them to damage it. 

The crowd both felt amused but at the same time a bit intimidated. Nonetheless, they cheered.

Izuku sighed 'This is boring' he thought, Remy tried to keep going, grabbing his leg and scratching it with her nails.

He used his leg that wasn't being held onto and stepped on her hand, creating a loud cracking noise, presumably from the joints of her fingers. 

Izuku yawned before using his left hand and grabbed her down, started twisting her extra legs. The loud crunches made the audience wince while Remy was screaming. 

A knife now in his hands, he used the butt of the knife, hitting her eye and using minimal of his strength to throw her limp body out of bounds.

Unfortunately, he wasn't allowed to actually allowed to badly injure the girl so instead of putting the girl in a near death situation, he just taught her a lesson.



The silence was erased and cheering filled the air.

Izuku smiled.. They weren't disgusted by his actions 

He raised a peace sign to the sky and the cheering got louder.

The red haired announcer looked at the panels and was shocked to see the viewer count on the screen skyrocket. 

[ In UA ]

Mina, Shinso, Sero and Kaminari woke up early just to see the live stream, no one else was awake so they had the common room all to themselves.

Mina was swearing nonstop when Remy started spouting. All four were busy glaring at the TV to realize that some of class 1-A had walked in.

They didn't say anything but watched the screen where they saw..

Izuku with a megaphone, Bakugo scoffed as he thought that Izuku was only announcing since he possibly couldn't be fighting without a quirk.

Until a neon pink haired girl walked down the arena stairs and stood in front of Izuku.

The official announcer screamed that the fight was about to start.

.... Needless to say, Class 1-A were shocked to see the timid broccoli boy crack and basically tear someone down to the point of tears.

Tsuyu flinched when Mina stood up and cheered "HELL YEAH!!!!" Denki and Sero joining in while Shinso just laughed on the couch.

Aizawa walked down and glared before softening his gaze at the TV where it showed Izuku holding a peace sign to the air.

"You did it problem child.. You showed them you don't need a quirk"

He mumbled, his scarf hiding the proud smile that he had.

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