Part 6

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Trust him! Is he fucking kidding? I barely know him, yet I do trust him. Am I insane? I feel scared as I slowly slide off my shoes and hand them to him. He must have noticed the fear in my eyes.

"Baby, I got you. It will be ok. I will not let anything happen to you," he says in a gentle and reassuring voice.

I nervously watch him place our shoes into a plastic bag and pull the string. He then rolls up the legs of my pants to my knees and then his own. Finally, he turns his back to me and lowers himself.

"Get on!"

It takes a few moments for me to understand that he wants me to jump onto his back. I do and slowly he steps into the sand as I feel my heart pounding in my throat.

'Don't drop me!" I shout as his footing feels unsteady. However, he carries me as if I am weightless. I'm squeezing him so tight I'm surprised he can breathe. He is strong and muscular which is such a turn on,' but I am too fearful to focus on that right now.

As he walks into the water, I feel my body relax as a smile moves across my face. He did it. He got me here safely. I love the water. How many times have I let that dreadful sand barrier keep me from what I love as if it were a moat of boiling lava? I cannot help but think about my own life and how I have held back when I hear Tae talk about how he takes on his life in ways I had never imagined. Live big and be spontaneous he says. I guess his health scare would give anyone a new perspective on life. He is amazing and I am happy to be spending time with him.

"How this?' he asks as I begin to feel my heart calm down.

I look around and notice we are about 10 feet from the shore. He patiently waits for my response.

"Okay, you can put me down," I say as he slowly lowers me into the water. It feels amazing. It's cool, clear and refreshing. It's a beautiful sunny day and everything looks beautiful under the sun. Especially my weekend lover. That thought makes me a bit sad. How ridiculous of me to entertain the thought of there being more with this man after only 8 hours. Although that would be heavenly. What a fool I am. I consider the thought anyway. I am powerless over it.

"Aww, Tae you are amazing. Oh my god this is so beautiful. I'm sorry I was so resistant," I says as I shake my head a bit in shame. I'm not a risk taker but there's something about being with Tae that makes me believe that maybe, just maybe I could take more risk. What have I been missing?

"Baby there's always a way but you have to be open to possibilities." He says with a wide smile as I connect to a feeling of closeness and attachment that is not synonymous with an 8-hour relationship.

We play and laugh like children. I like his spirited playfulness and his amazing deep throaty voice as he laughs so authentically. I cannot recall the last time I've laughed so fully and have been so playful. My life outside of these moments I have found with him are best described as tight and cautious. I'm careful and measured. My ears and the back of neck heat up as I think about what I'm doing. I really got off that train and fucked a stranger. Thank God I did.

At one moment I toss my arm around him spontaneously and kiss him. He doesn't miss a beat and pulls me closer into a hot kiss and grabs my ass as I moan. It is a promise of what is to come later. I cannot wait.

"You are going to get it really hard later I hope you know," he says playfully.

"I would expect nothing less based on the sample I had earlier," I tease in a flirty voice as we both laugh.

An hour passes quickly. Tae, suggest we go back to the hotel because the weather is changing, and the sky is growing darker while the wind picks up.

"I feel like a devious child, and I want to play. I'm so unfamiliar with this level of connection and fun that I don't want to let it go just yet. Tae is standing at the water's edge, and I snicker as I run to jump onto his back while he is not looking. As I leap forward, he bends down to retrieve the plastic bag with our shoes, and I fly over his head right into a hill of sand. Tae does not see me and only hears the thud I make hitting a sand hill.

I'm face down in the sand. I have always detested sand. The tiny granules seek out and find every open cavity on the body. Then there's the grittiness of it of how it feels that disgust me. The feel of it in my shoes, underwear, on my skin and inside wet clothes is repulsive to me. It is downright obnoxious, and I just want to scream.

I'd rather have landed in a pile of garbage. I flip over and just sit up holding my arms away from my body as I think get it off me. I am frozen and want to scream but cannot.

I close my hands into tight fist and narrow my eyes as Tae looks at me with shock on his face that is full of bewilderment.

"What the fuck Tae! I roar as my nostrils flare. You were supposed to catch me!" I shout with anger and frustration.

"What?" He says in complete confusion as he tries to figure out what the fuck happened in like two seconds.

"I have no idea how you got over there. "You were here," he animates with his hands by pointing, "and now you are playing in the sand. Hey, I thought you hate sand."

I grit my teeth and farrow my eyebrows. I am boiling angry and spitting fire.

"I was going to get on your back because you were going to carry me! Now look at me!" I continue to shout at him pointing my finger at him. As I maneuver to my feet I am in utter disgust.

"Uhm, did you tell me this so I could get you?" He says with a slight smirk that enrages me more.

"You, you should have, you..Tae...Uggggg!" I feel the burn of my rage flow throughout my body. "Goddam it Tae!" I scream shaking my fist at him.

"Nope! I'm not taking the blame for that," with a wide smile that disgust me.

"Just bend down so I can...!" I angrily demand as he interrupts me.

"Oh no! I don't want all that sand getting in places like my asshole." He then starts laughing hysterically.

"Ugggg!" I immediately pout as I feel the blood in my veins heat up. Every time he composes himself, he starts to laugh again when he looks at me.

"What so fucking funny?" I yell clenching and unclenching my fist.

"Your expression. Bahahaha! You look like you landed in a big pile of shit." After a minute we both calm down and he lifts me and carries me back to the boardwalk. I then walk ahead of him back to the hotel in silence. I can feel sand in all my areas of concern. I am just revolted. I also can hear soft snickers coming from behind which only adds fuel to the fire already burning inside me.

The elevator ride to our room is quiet as I focus everywhere except on Tae. I stand on the opposite side and would cross my arms across my chest if I wasn't so grossed out by the sand. Tae clears his throat a few times trying not to laugh at me. I quickly enter the room and immediately speed walk into the bathroom and slam the door. I look in the mirror and sand is in my hair and covering the right side of my face. I look a mess. I then start to chuckle at my image. What a silly blow up I had with Tae. Fuck, I forgot something. I walk back into the room and grab my package of new underwear. I then walk over to where Tae is sitting, bend down and give him a hot passionate full tongue kiss.

"When I return, I will be expecting some very hot fucking."

"Fuck," he says, as I scurry back to the bathroom.

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