Part 2

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In those last 10 seconds I try to reason, weigh my options and responsibilities. Yet my body moves me forward. But my mind pulls me back and shouts stranger, this is dangerous. As the doors begin to shut the raw power of my desire pushes me through them. The sensors pick up my body and the doors immediately open, allowing my passage.

My head feels light, and everything is spinning. I eagerly look in several directions and I don't see him. I feel a heaviness in my body, and I whisper, "no."

Damnit, I was too slow. What the fuck am I doing? Okay, get on the next train and get your ass to work, I tell myself. Was I crazy? This is not me. I'm responsible. This was the act of an irresponsible man.

I then feel it, the heat of his breath on the back of my neck, again. My legs are wobbly, and there is a fluttering sensation in my belly. I want to fall back into him.

"Ah baby, I knew I was right about you," he says in a sexy deep voice.

He takes my hand and turns me to where we are facing each other. His smile is soft, warm and inviting.

'I'm Taehyung Please call me Tae," he says.

There is an awkward silence as I'm still processing what the fuck I'm doing.

"Oh, Uh, I-I'm Jungkook. Please c-call me Kookie," I stammer nervously.

Tae has the most amazing smile that relaxes me. There was something in his smile that told me, getting off that train was a good choice, although my mind was still shouting no.

He is incredibly handsome with deep brown eyes and plump kissable lips. His hair is dark and wonderfully wavy, and I cannot wait to run my fingers through it and pull it. Oh my god, what the hell am I thinking! I'm not going to do that.

"Come with me baby," he says taking my hand and pulling me forward. I follow him as if I'm in a zombie state. We walk briskly for a few blocks as he talks, yet I do not comprehend a word of what he is saying, because my brain is still at the station. What the fuck am I doing? I look up and see the beautiful Grantville Sea Hotel come into view.

I've seen this hotel many times from the widow of the train. I've heard about this ultra-modern luxury hotel known to be a playground for the rich and famous. Its rooms are known to be beautiful and unique with wonderful amenities. Of course, this all comes at an outrageous price. The smallest room I'm told is $1,000 a night with the grand suite costing $10,000 dollars per night. Well, I guess it makes sense when you consider the butler and private chef. I have always thought only an idiot, or the super wealthy would spend that type of money for one night.

Yeah, I can afford it, for a few nights, but why? I most certainly am not super wealthy or an idiot.

My eyes widen as he leads me up the walkway to the Grantville. As we approach the lobby the door opens in front of us.

"Welcome back Mr. Kim," a friendly and enthusiastic doorman says as Tae smiles and nods pulling me through the doorway.

The lobby is indeed grand and filled with elegant touches such as amazing pieces of modern art and beautiful sculptures. Off to the side is a string quartet playing soft classical music near a small café. The lobby is busy with people bustling everywhere. As they come and go from all directions. As we wait for the elevator Tae moves closer to me. I feel his arm slide around my waist as my breath hitches. It feels intimate and gentle. As we stand waiting, I scan this beautiful man. He has the face and body of a Greek God. His facial features are perfect. Surely, he could have any man and yet here I am. He chose me. I struggle to contain a smile as I think of this. Wait, I can't do this. He is a stranger. Yet here I am getting ready to board an elevator in a luxury hotel with a stranger. Fuck, who am I kidding. I want his so badly that my dick throbs.

We enter the elevator alone and when the doors close, he quickly presses me into the back mirrored wall. He connects his lips to mine softly as he firmly leans into me. I feel a sense of powerlessness consume me as my entire body heats up. I respond by wrapping my arms around his neck and moaning into the kiss as his tongue battles mine into submission. We hungrily kiss and devour each other. Fuck, he grinds his hard dick into mine and I nearly scream. We are still connected when the doors open. Another minute and I was about to jump on his hot ass.

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