Part 4

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He pulls me close, and it is the warmest most sincere experience that I've ever had. Oh my God, who is this man? Not one of my past lovers wanted to be touched after sex. I learned to dare not ask or expect it.

He wraps me in his strong muscular arms and envelops me as I am tucked into his shoulder. It's a feeling of safety and closeness that I'm unfamiliar with. I'm not sure how to react, yet I like it. I think he likes it too. I hear his soft yet deep moans of satisfaction.

"Was that, okay? The sex? I didn't go too hard on you, did I?" Tae asks in a quiet and caring tone. I believe he's sincere.

Slowly, I sit up and press my back into the headboard and look down at him with a partial smile.

"Tae, that was the most amazing intimate experience I've ever had. No one has ever carried whether it was okay for me. Thank you for that. That was the best cock ever." I giggle and pull the covers up over my head not believing what I said.

Tae playfully pulls the covers back exposing me as I uncontrollably laugh. He then easily pulls me back down to the bed and quickly hovers from above. I don't consider myself to be a giggler, however I have never taken such a delight in a lover, and I barely know him.

"Kookie it was amazing for me also. Your body is so perfect. You were the best ass I've ever had."

"He burst into and infectious laugh with that deep sexy voice and shows a big beautiful boxy grin.

I push him away, grab my pillow and hit him with it as I feel my cheeks heat up. As he laughs, I experience an unexpected feeling of warmth in my chest for this man I've only known for a few hours. We both sit up and vibrate with riotous laughter..

"No, you didn't hurt me. I've never done anything like this before." He looks at me with a soft smile. Focusing on his face, I see how perfect and symmetrical his features are. His eyes are dark and dreamy. His lips are pump and full and his skin has a wonderful natural honey tone. And oh my god, his muscles are amazing. I could just spend the day touching him. In fact, that is what I hope to do. More touching. He is the perfect package with the perfect package he so deliciously delivered to me minutes ago.

"Really? You did not seem like a virgin. Hahahaha!" He laughs again in that deep and sexy voice that I just love.

"No silly," I say covering my face with my hands as my face heats up again.

"I didn't mean that. I meant I've never had sex with a stranger. Not that this wasn't unexpectedly awesome." .

"Hahaha!" He laughs again and then playfully nudges me with his shoulder.

"Kookie,I've never had sex with a stranger either."  I cover my mouth. I just assumed that he has done this before. Evidently, I was wrong. He just gives me the sweetest closed mouth smile and looks at me with a slight head tilt. It's as if he's trying to figure me out.

"Tae, why did you invite me to come with you?" I question sitting at attention waiting to hear his response as I search his beautiful eyes.

He quickly responds. "Mainly because I saw you and I wanted you. The pull towards you was like an obsession. Once I saw you, I could not forget that I saw you. It was after that first encounter that was the toughest." I lean towards him with raised eyebrows seeking to understand.

"Why was that the toughest, Tae?" I relate to having a similar experience when I first saw him. However, I want to hear him say it.

"It was because I wasn't sure if I'd see you again." He lightly runs his hand down my arm.

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