After they were done they got up from the table, Aria lost her balance a bit and her father grabbed her.

"I think that glass of wine went to your head" he said looking worried at her.

"No, no I am fine" Aria said as they started walking. Apparently she talked a bit louder than she thought because Aiden turned to look at her. She smiled at him, and he smiled back, but as he smiled her face dropped and she showed him the finger, stupidly regretting it as she did it. Before walking out of the restaurant and into her parent's car.

"I don't understand how you could get so tipsy over one glass of wine" Kate said as she started the car. Aria lied.

"I took a few aspirins earlier today because of a headache, they must still be in my system, or maybe it's because I haven't had anything to drink in a long time" she lied. Kate shook her head.

"You have to think before you do these things" she said as she pulled out of the parking space.

Aria walked in the door to the house slamming the door, she looked into the living room and there was the new couch. She smiled a bit before walking into her room; she took up her phone and saw a message from Aiden.

"What's up with the finger?" he asked. She knew she shouldn't do this and it she should wait until tomorrow, but she didn't care, she found his number and called him.

"Hi long face" Aiden said jokingly.

"Whatever!" Aria answered; there was a second silence before Aiden talked.

"Are you actually angry with me?" he asked hearing the tone of her voice. Aria thought about what to say before she decided to be brave.

"Come over and figure it out" she said in a seductive voice before hanging up the phone. She walked over to her dresser fast and found the sexiest underwear she owned then walked into her bathroom.

Aria walked over to the door as the doorbell rung. Blake was still not home, lucky for her Aria thought. She opened the door and there was Aiden. She smiled before dragging him inside. She was only wearing her underwear and a t-shirt over. Aiden looked strangely at her.

"Are you going to beat me up or something?" he asked. Aria rolled her eyes before getting up on her toes and slamming her lips to his. Aiden kissed her back for a second before pushing her away.

"What are you doing Aria?" he asked looking at her. Aria smiled.

"Kissing you" she asked. He looked at her eyes.

"You're drunk" he said taking a step back.

"So? I want you" she said taking a step towards him. He smirked and shook his head.

"We're supposed to be friends remember?" he said. Aria rolled her eyes.

"Why can't we be friends with benefits?" Aria stepped in front of him again looking up into his eyes; he looked back down into hers, she could see he was really debating this before he finally leaned down and kissed her. Aria smiled and wrapped her hands around his neck, Aiden put his hands around her waist and lifted her as if she was weightless, she giggled as she wrapped her legs around his waist before pulling away from the kiss

"The bedroom" she told him breathlessly before kissing him again.

Aiden put Aria down on the bed before he climbed on top, kicking his shoes off, he looked down at her breathing heavily before leaning down kissing her again playing his tongue over her lips and she gladly opened for him, massaging her tongue with his. He grabbed her waist feeling her up and down under her T-shirt. He started to feel his seductive hands, moving higher and higher until it finally reached her bra. He yanked it away lifting up her T-shirt too. Aria felt hot and tingly; she arched her back so Aiden could get all of her easily. He smirked as he stopped making out with her and started kissing her down her neck. As he put his hand under her back drawing her close to him. Aria arched her head back moaning as Aiden kissed her soft spot.

Blake parked Aria's car outside the house, she got out and took her 50" flatscreen TV, she walked over to the door and sighed as she tried to open the door. After trying for a while she sat the TV down and opened the door and stepped in.

"I'm home" she bellowed a little in her normal voice before picking up the TV and walking into the living room. She placed the TV down and stared at the couch, she hadn't seen this when she was here the last time. Maybe she just got it, but from where?

"Aria, where did this couch come from?" she asked walking to Aria's room, but stopped in her tracks as she heard Aria moaning through the door, basked in sexual pleasure. She turned around and walked over to her room instead. She wasn't interrupting her or feeding her eyes with something unpleasant now.

Meanwhile, Aria bent down and kissed Aiden with a lot of passion, moving back and forth playing with his hair. Aiden had his hands on her waist making her go faster. He grabbed her hair moving her head to the side kissing her neck again. Aria moaned loudly Aiden took a hold of her and turned them around making himself to be on top of her hovering over her, thrusting into her hard and rapidly. Aria let out another moan as she felt herself orgasm, then she cried out his name

"Ah, Aiden!" she moaned wrapping her hands around Aiden's neck she leaned into his neck and started to suck on it, biting it a bit making Aiden moan as he trusted faster and faster into her until he ejaculated as well.

Aria lay with her head on his chest drawing circles with her finger her eyes closed. Aiden had his eyes closed as well playing with her hair waiting for her to fall asleep. Aria stopped making circles as she was beginning to fall asleep on his chest. Aiden was about to get out of bed when Aria opened her eyes.

"Are you leaving?" she asked, and Aiden nodded, Aria sat up in bed covering herself with the blanket

"Why?" she asked, Aides looked at her.

"I thought you would like the bed for yourself" he lied knowing she would get hurt in the morning and not probably talk to her about it.

"I think you should sleep here" she said looking into his eyes and biting her lower lip. Aiden smiled at her.

"Fine, but remember we're just friends" Aria nodded and added.

"With benefits." She was right, they were friends, close friends with benefits and this was one of the benefits. Aiden laid back down in bed and Aria put her head back on his chest closing her eyes again falling asleep.

Aria's MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now