chapter ten

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𝕆𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕖𝕤 (𝕁𝕒𝕪 ℙ𝕆𝕍)

"Why are we walking around the halls?" JaeRi asked me as we made our way around the first floor again. I swung our hands between the two of us while thinking of an answer.

"Chances of getting caught are lower," I simply explained. She scoffed as we neared the practice room. I opened the door to show her an indoor picnic that I had laid out with the help of Sunoo and Nicholas. 

"How long has this been sitting here?" she asked me and went to pick up a little bit of the food that was laying out. 

"An hour? We set it up-" I cut myself short when she looked over at me with a mischievous smile.

"We? The last people to have the practice room was Nicholas and his group." I rolled my eyes and motioned for her to sit down.

"Yes, I asked Nicholas and Sunoo to help me. They're the closest with you so they helped me set it up." She smiled at me and pinched my cheeks.

"You're adorable," she whispered and went back to what she was doing. I felt my face redden as I watched her look at the different foods.

I had made sure to ask the two what her favorite snacks were and we hunted for them.

"You got pepero?" she asked and held up the box of the chocolate cover biscuit. I nodded and she looked at the snack and back at me.

"What else did you get?" she asked and took out a few more boxes of pepero. I grabbed another bag that I had and took out a few chips. 

"They told me that you like chocolate, like unhealthy addiction," she rolled her eyes and I smiled at her. "So I also got choco pies, Ghana chocolate bars, market-o brownies, kkokkalcorn, onion rings, and sun chips."

The look in her eyes was unexplainable. She looked like she was in pure food heaven with all of her favorite snacks.

"They had all of these here?" she asked and opened a bag of sun chips. 

"Well, we asked Henry if it was ok for us to go and get a few snacks, but most of them were here." 

"You did all of this for me?" I nodded and smiled at her. I could tell I was giving her heart eyes, but she didn't acknowledge it if she noticed.

"I know it's a lot, but I thought you'd like it. If I'm being honest, it was worth the teasing that I got from Nicholas." She looked up from her snack stash and finally noticed my stare.

"Quit staring, you look like a creep," she said and threw a chip at me.
As we were all eating, I concluded that I was going to tell JaeRi how I was feeling. I mean, it's been around a month since we started "dating." 

When Sunoo and I walked past her, I slipped her a napkin that told her to meet me at our spot.

"Okay, Jay. You're not as slick as you think you are," Sunoo told me. I looked at him confused and tried to act innocent.

"If you're finally confessing to JaeRi, good job! Ugh, you guys will be able to stare and not have to sneak around anymore!" he cheered. I smiled at him and we continued the walk to the practice room.

Who would've thought that not looking behind you could change so many things.
I was sitting by the pool when I heard the door open. I quickly got to my feet and opened my mouth, ready to speak.

"Maya?" I questioned. How did she know I'd be here, let alone, that this was here. She shut the door and slowly walked towards me. She looked like she was listening for something or someone.

"Look, I don't know why you're here or what you're doing, but can you-" she came up to me and kissed me. Right as the door opened. I was too stunned to move. I caught Jaeri's glance right as she shut the door.

When the door slammed, that's when Maya finally let up. Her smile was victorious but venomous.

"What was that for!" I questioned her.

"Well, it's simple. If I can't have her, why should you?" After she said that, I immediately ran. 

I looked at either side of the halls, but I didn't find her anywhere. I picked the way we usually walk when I saw her with Nicholas. With her back facing me I already knew that I hurt her. I had hurt her bad. 

Nicholas met my glance and motioned for me to go, to leave her alone.
The walk back to our room was the loneliest walk that I had made in a long time. As soon as I walked in, the boys were asking me questions, but Sunoo was sitting on his bed.

"I messed up," I mumbled. Just as fast as the questions started, they had stopped.

I sighed and sat down where I was standing and began to explain the story. All of them had varying reactions, but Sunoo's cold face never left.

"So you didn't kiss her; she kissed you. Yet you didn't push her away and go after Jaeri right away?" Sunoo asked. I nodded and I knew I couldn't defend what I did. Saying I was shocked could be enough, but at the same time, I don't think it would be.

"Give her some time and then talk with her. I know she'll understand, but only when she's ready. You got that?" I nodded and went into the bathroom to finish off the horrible night I had.

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