chapter one

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𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕪𝕤

Mission X is a newly formed training camp where trainees can enjoy their last few moments as trainees or get away from the spotlight as a fresh group. We happened to get the letter telling us about it just a few days ago.

Since I'm the leader, I've held onto it until today. My members were starting to get curious so I told them to meet with me in our dining room area of our dorm. 

"Why did you call us, Unnie?" our youngest member, EunYoung, asked me. 

I sat down and opened the letter to actually read it, "Diamant, your debut date is nearing, right? CEO Bang SiHyuk has made a new camp for trainees like you to get their final moments of training in. He has also added some groups from, Source Music and Belift to join you and your other soon debuting group. Please get back to us with your answers as soon as you receive this. Safe regards, Han SeougSu."

I put the letter back into the envelope and looked at my members.

"Well, should we do it?" I asked them. They all nodded and I said I'd go and speak with him soon.

As we entered the building, we greeting some of the staff and made our way towards the CEO's office.

He set down his pen and smiled at us. "I see you read the letter." We nodded and gave him our answer.

"The camp starts next week. I'll get back to SiHyuk and let him know your decision," he told us and dismissed us.

We entered our practice room and sat down to begin stretching. GaHee soon spoke up, "I wonder who's all going to be there." We agreed with her and thought about it.

"Doesn't Belift have a girl group or is it BigHit?" JangMi asked.

"I think that BigHit has a group they're debuting in like March," I told her. She nodded and we went quiet again. Seeing as we didn't have much of a schedule, we ran through a few of the dances for our debut album and we called it a day after that.
I slowly walked through the halls of Pledis not knowing what to do. I kept thinking about who would possibly be there. Since we're set to debut in January and the month is slowly nearing, I wanted to go over a few more moves on my own. The girls had gone back to the dorm so I found it a perfect time.

I may not be the best dancer out of our group, but I like to dance to clear my mind. I've always done that.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was proud of the person I was becoming.
That week went by fast and before we knew it, we were standing in front of a building that resembled a hotel.

We all looked at each other and I went up to the door and I knocked. The door slowly opened to reveal someone we've never met.

"Diamant, if I'm right?" he said. We nodded and he opened the door wider. 

"My name's Jang HyeSeok, but you can call me Henry. My group is somewhere around here," he told us.

"Is Henry your stage name or are you from overseas?" EunYoung asked him.

"I'm from Europe. My Dad's French and my Mom's Korean," he told us. "So Henry is my English name and it'll be my stage name too." We nodded and heard a crash come from a different room.

"Those would be my bandmates," he told us and lead us in the direction of the crash. We stood outside the door and waited for him to come back.

He soon came back with two other guys behind him. He was talking to them in English so I didn't pick up what he was saying. 

"Anyways, this is Diamant," he told his two bandmates.

"Hello! My name's WonBin and I'm the youngest!" 

"Hello, I'm KyungHun and I'm the leader."

I was about to ask something but someone else had knocked. Henry made his way down the stairs and we stood there with WonBin and KungHun awkwardly for a bit.

"Seok Hyung was told to be the person to meet the groups since he knows a few languages," WonBin told us.

"That'd explain why he opens the door," JiSoo mumbled.

"Yeah. He told us to stay up here because we're too loud." KyungHun told us.

"It makes sense," I said and that got them to laugh.

"It's taking him a while," WonBin said and tried to look down the stairs.

"Let's go look!" EunYoung said and skipped towards the stairs. I stayed behind and I think KyungHun noticed so he walked beside me.

"None of your members introduced themselves," he pointed out.

"Yeah, sorry about that. My name's JaeRi. I'm the leader too," I told him.

"I have a question. Why are you guys called Diamant?" he asked me. 

"It's diamond in French," he nodded. "And since we're one of the first girl groups in Pledis for a while, we're precious like a diamond." 

"That makes sense," he said.

I heard EunYoung gasp so I went to where she was standing and I saw Enhypen standing that the door. They look awkward with everyone looking at them.

"Seok Hyung! Who else is coming?" WonBin asked. Henery looked over his shoulder towards WonBin. 

"Another girl group, a soloist, and one more boy group, I'm pretty sure."

I was confused. A soloist? When the door opened once again, my suspicions were confirmed when I saw six boys walk through the door.

"Ah! Hello!" Henery said when he saw them walk in. "Umm, do you guys think you can, like, go? It's getting crowded and I need to explain some things to them." I nodded and led my group up the stairs.

"We should look for our room," I told KyungHun. He nodded and we said bye to each other.

While walking past all the rooms, they had nameplates on them to decipher whose room was whose. When I saw the door that had our name on it, I opened it to see six twin beds lined up against the wall. There was one closet, that was pretty big, and two desks.

We claimed our beds before we started to settle in and talk with each other.

"Did you see the other six people that walked in?" JiSoo asked.

"I did," I said. 

"Who are they?" JangMi asked before jumping on my bed.

"Hanbin and the new Japanese group BigHit plans on debuting," I said. They all gasped in shock before EunYoung and GaHee started to jump around the room together.

"We're gonna see the Japanese line together and in person!" EunYoung said. I looked at her confused. All I knew was that she was talking about I-Land.

"What are you talking about?" JangMi asked the two. She looked at them like they had gone crazy.

"Unnie, it's an eggie thing," EunYoung said with a slight tint of sass in her voice.

"It seems like half the things you talk about are 'eggie things' Youngie," JiSoo said and sat down on the bed next to mine.

"Well, maybe you guys should've watched I-Land with us," GaHee said with a 'yeah!' coming from EunYoung.

"Things should be calmed down by now. We should go and look around," I suggested. JangMi sprung up from the bed and opened the door.

"Let's go then!" she said and we all left the room.

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