chapter six

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After days of strenuous practice, Jay had pulled me off to the side before I entered the dining area.

"Grab your bathing suit, we're gonna try and use our secret spot." I was slightly disappointed because I wanted to eat, but seeing the look in Jay's eyes changed how I was feeling.

"Yeah. Will you meet me by my room or?" He smiled at me and nodded.

I took that as a yes, and I started to make my way to my room. While lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" I heard the person laugh and I looked up, seeing Maya. My face started to heat up, her smile making me nervous.

"Don't worry, JaeRi, no harm was done." I nodded and tried to move past her, but she put her arm in front of where I was going.

"Are you not eating?" I looked at her confused, then I realized she seemed worried.

"The practicing has finally caught up to me. I'm probably gonna call it a night. Could you tell my members that, so they won't be worried?" I patted myself on the back for making up an excuse and forming a coherent sentence.

She nodded, seeming like she believed it, I bid her a good night and to eat well, and I made my way to my room.

Jay was standing by the door when I already got there. "What took you so long?"

"I bumped into Maya and she was wondering why I wasn't going to eat." Jay sent me a sheepish smile as I went into the room.

I let out a sigh and I began looking for a swimsuit. Once I found one, I grabbed my towel and wrapped that around my waist.

"Oh, that's cute," he said once I left my room.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites. Decided to show you my favorite only cause you're my favorite~." We both went quiet, me out of embarrassment and Jay for an unknown reason.

"So," I decided to break the silence, "why are we going to our spot?"

He looked at me and threw his arm around my shoulder. "It's been almost a week since we last talked to each other. Yes, I know you probably wanted to eat, but I thought this would be a good time."

I smiled and he opened the door to our spot, letting me go first.

"So, we shall take this time to talk and relax. You probably need it cause I've seen you go to the dining area maybe twice." I nodded at the statement.

"We've been using the practice room between our times and everyone else's times. I usually don't get back to our room at around three, so dinner is usually way out of the question."

The way he looked at me held so much worry that I had to look away from him. I felt his gaze on me as I took my towel off and set it on one of the chairs, mentally preparing myself to get in the water.

I was so focused on the mental preparation, that I didn't hear Jay sneak up from behind me. I only realized when I was shoved into the cold pool water.

"Park Jongseong! I'm gonna kill you!" Jay was too busy laughing to see me get out of the pool.

"Since you had to push me and make me cold, you have to suffer with me!" I exclaimed and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a big hug. The shriek he let out sent me into a fit of giggles. With his attempts of getting me off of him, his final decision was to jump into the pool.

With the two of us soaked, we floated around the pool. We were talking nonsense until I told him to be quiet. We stayed quiet as we waited for the footsteps to leave, but it seemed like they weren't leaving anytime soon.

He swam over to me and we just hung onto the wall, hoping for the voices to leave.

"Who do you think it is?" he whispered. I shrugged, trying to hear the voice more clearly.

"Sounds like GaHee, Maya, and Henry? That's an odd trio," I mumbled to myself. He shushed me and we started listening to their conversation again.

"I think I heard Maya say my name? Do you think they're talking about-" "Hang on, you talk a lot." I glared at him and he flashed a smile.

"JiSoo has warned them, so I'm not surprised if they are with each other." I covered my mouth when I heard GaHee say that.

I was starting to get anxious, so I got out of the pool and grabbed my towel. Jay decided to lean on my legs when I got back over to him and started to trace a circle on my thigh.

"I feel like they should see each other, in secret though? I don't really know." I nodded and leaned on my hand.

"I agree. Maybe they shouldn't be seeing each other at all. That'll prevent everything if you think about it."-Maya

"That's too harsh. He's been making JaeRi so much happier. It's like he takes the stress away from her."-GaHee

"They shouldn't be sneaking around."-Maya

"If that's your only point, I'm gonna leave. I don't really know Jay, but I know JaeRi deserves to have this little bit of happiness before she gets stressed."-GaHee

"Are you jealous, Maya?"-Henry

"F*ck no! Why would I be jealous?"-Maya

"I don't know, maybe someone is getting something you want." After that, GaHee had left the two of them. Jay and I listened to see if Henry and Maya would say something to each other, but it sounded like they just left.

"I think we're free to leave," I whispered. He nodded and got out of the pool. As we left, we failed to see someone still standing close to the door.

Lowkey struggled to decide if I should add some more to the end, but that didn't happen. As you may see, the relationship is starting to develop, which is a good thing. Anyways, bye!! Love you all!! <3

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