Thirty-One: Engagement Drama

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Daily Prophet, April 1st 1996

    Weasley and Weasley

    Fredrick and George Weasley have officially opened 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' at 93 Diagon Alley. Weasley and Weasley are selling various amounts of jokes next to the infamous Ollivanders Wand shop, and we got an exclusive quote from the twins on opening day. "We are excited to open our shop in Diagon Alley," Fred says. "Yes, we have been working on launching new products before the start of the new school year," George added. We caught up with their father who was ecstatic to visit the boy's new shop. Their mother on the other hand...well did not share the same happiness.

    "I'm glad for him and Georgie. They deserve it." Gia said. Theo smoothed her hair as she flipped to the society page where she and Theo plastered the headlines.

    Daily Prophet, April 1st 1996

    Wedding Bells!

    A wedding is on the books for Gianna Lupin-Black and Theodore Nott Jr. An official letter came from the Alderley Edge estate this morning confirming the news. The affair will take place on May 3rd in the afternoon. Gianna has decided to skip the Black formalities in Paris and settle for a ceremony in London. Socialite and Philanthropist, Narcissa Malfoy, will be taking charge of planning the Wedding and Theodore's sister, Elizabeth Nott who has recently engaged to Marcus Flint, will be in order of the Engagement Party held this weekend at the Nott estate in Lavenham, open to the public.

    "Since when did we let Lizzie plan anything?" Theo asked. He kissed her gently on her forehead.

    "It was Cissy's idea, not mine. If it were mine we would elope in Rome and spend months in Greece away from all of this."

    "Years darling, years." He corrected. He pushed her gently off of his lap and she groaned trying to hold him down.

    "No, not yet. I don't want to go."

    "You don't have to."

    "Yes, I have to go. I told you, you won't go alone anymore. Besides, wedding dresses await."

    "We can wait. Until the baby is born." He caressed her cheek and gazed into her eyes. He silently pleaded with her to stay home and wait away from all the commotion of Death Eater meetings.

    "No, that will be more of a scandal. I think the bump will be good for my vanity." She sighed, rubbing the small bump in her lower abdomen. Theo sent her a faint scowl before he planted a kiss on her head.

    "Can you finish getting those invitations out? If it's too overwhelming I can ask Liz." He started before he made his way to the floo. She followed closely behind him and wrapped her arms around his middle, burying her face into his sable robes.

    "I love you, stupid." She pressed another kiss onto his shoulder before turning back to the sofa, not letting herself look at him before she spoke again. "I want to invite the Weasleys"

    "I know." He said blankly.

    "Are you alright with that?" She asked, knowing that he knew she was going to do it either way.

    "You want to deliver the invitations in person? Right? That's why you're asking."

    "I want to see my fathers, and James, possibly make a trip to Scotland to see Dee and Harry." She crossed her hands in front of her stomach and turned to face him.

    "Fine, go tonight. I will see you when I'm home." He mumbled before he tossed a handful of dusty powder into the floo and a burst of green flames erupted where he stood.

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