Four: Hogwarts Express

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Harry brought up concern that his scar was hurting earlier in the summer. Everyone thought it was a good idea that he wrote to Sirius and sent it with Hedwig before they got to Hogwarts. Besides that interaction, everyone sat in silence for the rest of the trip. George whispered to Fred occasionally but Fred didn't say anything back. He threw pieces of parchment at Gia trying to get her attention but that only angered her causing her to switch places with Ginny who was sitting next to Harry.

    Gia walked out of the compartment to change into her robes when she caught the eye of a certain Slytherin boy. She peeked inside to get a better look. He buttoned the top button of his white Oxford shirt and ran a hand through his dark brown hair. He had grown a few inches from the last time she had seen him and he had gotten exceedingly handsome, but all pureblood families were exceptionally beautiful.

    "Theo! Did your father tell you why the Minister is going to be at the feast today?" Blaise asked him. Theo effortlessly tied his silk green tie around his neck.

    "Nah, mate. Something about a tournament. He said that I needed to buy a new set of dress robes because I couldn't wear the same ones to two events in the same week. Whatever that means." Theo pulled on his tie and flipped the collar down.

    Blaise slipped something into his trunk and looked back up at Theo. "Have you talked to Malfoy? I'm sure he can talk to Gia."

    "She'll come running back. She always does. Woman has a legacy to uphold. Her blood-traitor of a father and those mudbloods she runs around with won't satisfy her forever." He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit it with his wand. "Besides, I will not be going with Parkinson or Greengrass to another party. Those girls may be Pure-Bloods but father was not impressed."

    "Gia impresses him?" Blaise had pulled on his jumper and was eating a sweet from the trolly.

    "Top of her class, House of Black, can hold a simple conversation, and sang the carols at Christmas last year with my grandmother. I would say she's the best Hogwarts has to offer."

    "Don't forget she speaks three languages and tutors first years," Goyle said with a dreamy expression etched on his face.

    "Perfect woman that one. Perfect bride whenever I graduate." Theo's expression glazed over. "You couldn't even imagine."


    When they got to Hogwarts, Gia beelined to the carriages when she was stopped by her Quidditch Captain, Graham Montague.

    "Hey Gia! Wait!" he said, running behind her to stop her. "I'm sorry to tell you that Quidditch is cancelled this year but um," he paused, "would you want to go to Hogsmead with me sometime this year?" he said looking down at her shifting his weight.

    "Erm- I'm sorry. I'm quite busy this year. But I'll see you in the common room!" she said hoisting herself up into the carriage. She noticed a tall pale boy sitting across from her, his platinum blonde hair practically glowing.

    "Gia!" he said, taken aback that she was sitting with him. "Why aren't you sitting with your friends?"

    She looked around making sure that no one was around to hear her. "To be quite honest Dee, Fred really made me mad," she said slouching in her chair which was most unlike her. Draco looked quite smug.

    "I tried to tell you. Never trust those bloo-" she interrupted him.

    "Draco enough," she sighed. You don't need to put up a front just because I'm your family." His expression was unreadable but she could tell he felt some sort of remorse for the words he used. She knew he never truly meant them. She felt the carriage lurch as they began to move towards the castle.

Cold SkinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora