Two: Brother vs Sister

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Mr Weasley was escorting the kids up to where the portkey was located over the hill. He was followed closely by Alice and Hermoine talking about how Alice's O.W.L.'s went last term. Fred and George were talking with James, Harry, and Ron about who was likely to win between Ireland and Bulgaria. Gia and Ginny were talking about how the Holyhead Harpies would beat any team any day if their seeker wasn't injured in their last game.

Fred and George turned around. George spoke loudly to Ginny and Gia "You two always are on and on about your Harpies!" George said laughing. Ginny looking furious lunged at her older brother tackling him to the grassy floor. Gia and Fred stood over them laughing, catching glances at each other every few giggles.

"Say another word about the Harpies and I'll feed you to the chickens!" Ginny yelled pinning her older brother who was much bigger than her to the hard ground.

"Ginny! George! Stop that Rubbish! We're here!" Mr Weasley said, not bothering to look back. "Amos how good it is to see you, and you must be Cedric!" He grabbed Cedric's hand and shook it vigorously.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir," Cedric said. He removed his hand from Mr Weasleys and ran it through his light brown hair. His bright grey eyes reflected in the warm summer sun. Gia was always speechless when she saw Cedric. Fred had noticed and a visible wave of jealousy came over him. "Gia, Fred, George, it's good seeing you!" Cedric said, looking over all of them stopping at Gia.

"Looking handsome today Cedric," Gia said as she gave him a cheeky smile. Fred walked to the portkey angrily, muttering to George, not bothering to pay attention to Gia or Cedric. He grabbed ahold of the portkey. After a few minutes of light conversation, they all grabbed a hold of the portkey. Gia felt a pull behind her navel and suddenly she could see hundreds of tents and many people dressed in red and green in support of their teams.


Everyone walked for a few miles until they reached the muggle check-in where Harry had to help Mr. Weasley with his muggle money. Gia did not understand why Hermoine wasn't the one helping considering Harry was quite awkward conversing with people in the first place. They walked a few paces and found the sign with the Weasleys name on it. Amos and Cedric were in a different part of the area and left a few minutes after their group had arrived at their designated area.

Mr Weasley set up the girls tent first and Gia, Alice, Ginny, and Hermoine all rushed inside to choose a bunk and get ready for tonight's match. Mr Weasley began setting up the boys tent when the girls heard a loud CRACK and Percy, Bill, and Charlie arrived with lunch from Mrs. Weasley.

"Charlie! I didn't see you at breakfast!" Gia ran up to Charlie and gave him a warm hug and he reciprocated.

He caught her in a warm hug and nestled his face in her hair. "Hey curls. I didn't mean to miss you." He kissed her on the cheek and held her close to him for a second.

"What am I? Day-old tuna?" Bill held his arms out waiting for her to come in and hug him. She walked over to him and took in his warmth that was similar to Freds. "Are you taking care of Gin for us?"

"Doing my best William! She looks after herself quite well."

Fred and George went out and bet their life's savings on that Ireland would win but Bulgaria would catch the snitch. Gia was positive they were correct. Viktor Krum is one of the best seekers in the world and the twins knew that too.


They walked into a large colosseum-like building where they found their seats with the Minister of Magic. They saw Narcissa and Lucius walk up with Draco. He immediately made eye contact with Alice and gave her a wink. James looked at him enraged but knew that he could do nothing.

"Cissy? It's been so long!" Gia said, bringing her into a warm hug.

"My dearest Gia, how have you been? We've missed you at dinner this summer!" she said planting a friendly kiss on her younger cousin's cheek.

"Yes, I've been quite busy after taking my O.W.L.'s last term, N.E.W.T.'s are extremely important for Healers school and that's always been the goal."

"I'm quite sure you'll do wonderfully. Living up to the 'Black' name I expect?" she said giving the Weasleys a dirty look.

"Expect nothing less!" Gia said, giving her another hug and messing up Dracos's perfect hair. He was still staring at Alice who was blushing looking back at him every few seconds.

"Hey, Allie!" Draco whispered in Alice's ear. He ignored James scowl at him from across the box.

Gia sat down next to Fred. "What was that all about?" he asked in a hushed voice not looking at her but to the middle of the field. Gia turned her head but didn't respond as the people selling souvenirs approached. The twins had bet all their money so Gia had bought Fred a large Ireland hat, George the Ireland flag, and both of them Omnioculars. All the boys were entranced by the Veela brought by the Bulgarians but Fred couldn't keep his eyes off of Gia. Her long dark hair was pulled into a low ponytail that had perfect ringlets down her back. Her grey eyes were reflecting the colours of the fireworks. She was cheering louder than anyone when Ireland's mascots were brought out, dropping Leprechaun gold everywhere.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Gia said looking up at his tall chiselled face.

"Nothing. You have something in your teeth." He said, knocking her shoulder as she threw her hands up to her face and turned away from him. "Only joking!" He said, pulling her back to face him.

He interlocked his fingers with hers. She paid no attention but she was slowly moving closer to him throughout the night. By the time the match was over Gia had almost lost her voice from yelling. Fred and her had been holding hands the entire night unintentionally when James called attention to it.

"Oi! Hands off my sister you wanker!" he said stepping up to Fred, their heights almost identical. Draco interrupted at that very moment and stepped between them.

"Touch her again, and he won't be the only one your answering to," he said sternly, looking at Fred dead in the eyes. His were almost identical to Gia's.

"Shove off Malfoy, I can handle him myself." James raised his voice and he became angrier at Draco than he was at Fred.

Gia looked at Fred and a mischievous smile came upon her face. She pulled him down by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around the small of her back and leaned over her, kissing her deeply. She caressed the side of his sharp jaw taking in every second of this perfect moment.

Gia pulled away suddenly and turned towards her brother and her cousin and spoke "How's that for touching," and turned back to Fred grabbing his hand walking over to the girls.


They walked back to the tents. Fred was talking with George, Harry, Ron, and Ginny. Hermoine was still asking Alice about the types of questions that were asked for each exam. Gia was stuck with James interrogating her.
"Gianna Lillian! Imagine what father would say if he heard what you did?!" James was practically yelling in her face.

"Which one James? I'm pretty positive that Sirius wouldn't even bat an eyelash unless you mentioned 'Harry', and Remus wouldn't care unless I was getting expelled." Her voice was unshaken. James being overprotective was normal.

"You don't mean that!" James continued to yell at her.

"Except I do." Her expression grew sarcastic and contrary. "It's always about Harry or school with them. If I dropped dead at this very moment they would not care."

As if on cue there was thunderous yelling from all around them. People were running. Screaming was echoing in her ears.

"We need to go. Now!" Gia scrambled. "Mr. Weasley! Look!" The singing and dancing from inside stopped abruptly at her shaken voice.

Arthur ushered everyone out and they started running towards the forest. Suddenly the green hue of the 'Dark Mark' was cast into the air. The screaming became louder. Gia grabbed onto Fred's arm and they continued running with Ginny, Alice, George, and James. They had lost Harry, Ron, and Hermoine in the crowd. Gia was very worried. Everything suddenly stopped. Her mind stopped racing and Fred was holding her tight to him. Trembling. They walked out of the forest and saw the trio almost get hit with a jinx. They all ran towards Arthur. Scared of what the dark mark means.

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