Twenty-Four: The Ball of a Lifetime

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"'I'm sorry.' That's all you said. No 'I love you' or 'Sorry I don't want to bear children until I'm at least thirty,'" Alice said as she stuck a sprig of baby's breath into the twists in Gia's hair.

    "Not thirty, but not until I am at least twenty-five. I don't want to rush anything." She poked at a small pimple on her face until Alice smacked her hand away.

    "Stop that! No redness tonight. There are always at least five ministers there and you have what... three pending internships?"

    "Four. And I don't even want to go anymore." She looked over at the blue-grey dress hanging up in her closet until Alice snapped in her face.

    "That git loves you. No matter how hard you push him away. Put on that bloody dress before I drag Ginny and Harry up here."

    Gia slipped into the dark dress with large tulle ruffles coming from the hips. There was lace covering the bodice and a plunging neckline. The back laced up with silk ribbons and had a tulle train of large ruffles extending half a foot behind her. The straps were so thin they might as well have not been there. Her hair was draped down her back, the front sections were twisted into a crown shape in the back with small flowers in the gaps. Her eyes were no longer silver, but a pale blue.

"I am a miracle worker." Alice put her hands on her hips as she looked at her best friend.

"I believe the term is 'magic'." She cocked her head and smiled at Alice.

"You're insufferable." Alice turned to the closet and put on her long emerald dress. It had beading along the top with some slight lace around the bust. Very simple and elegant. Always something Alice strived for when going out.

"Theo won't be there, right?" Gia asked as she tried to slip on her silver Jimmy Choos.

"I heard the Nott's cancelled."

"Like clockwork. Do you think the boys are ready?" Gia picked at her fingers before Alice handed her a set of white gloves.

"Like clockwork." She looked down at Gia's bleeding hands and ushered her out of the door and down the steps.

"What's taking them so long?" Ron asked from the couch. Harry was sitting just below him and rolled his eyes.

"Those dresses are a pain, Ron." He said while getting up to join Sirius, James, and Fred by the piano.

"I forget. You're a bloody fashion expert." Ron rolled his eyes and turned back to his magazine about the Chudley Cannons he got from James. "James is that you?"

"Probably. I'm like on every page." James started to pace the living room until he heard the clicking of heels.

"Oh, here we go," Ginny said as she looked up from the coffee table. She was playing a game of wizards chess with Hermoine to get her mind off of Bill and Charlie leaving a few days prior.

Fred looked up at Gia and his eyes widened with shock. He noticed immediately that her eyes were blue and no longer grey. He shook himself back to reality. James looked the same way. The girls giggled on the couch.

"Bloody hell Gia! You look-"

"Don't you finish that sentence Ron or I will murder you." Fred glared at him. Gia rolled her eyes and took him in. He wore a black suit with a pale grey-blue tie and a matching pocket square. James wore the same but with emerald green.

"You look like a baroness," Sirius said. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her.

"I don't know what you expect father. I am going to a ball." Gia rolled her eyes and turned back to him. He held out his arms to hug her.

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