The Musicians

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After break it was music; the boys' favourite class (apart from Namjoon who for some reason favoured mathematics, and Jackson who, still very hungover, did not have the heart to particularly enjoy any class).

Jimin liked to take the opportunity to showcase his 'epic' triangle skills.

And Jin liked to take the opportunity to spend an hour hitting jungkook on the back of the head with a tambourine.

There was much rejoicing all round.
And both Yoongi and Hoseok, after spending the morning hovering around a radiator, were drying off nicely.

As usual, Yoongi made a beeline towards the piano.

"Go on Yoongles, give us a tinkle!" someone (probably Jin) shouted as they flowed into the classroom.

"Nothing too loud please," said Jackson, taking the seat farthest away from the piano and nestling his head into his arms on his desk.

"I do believe," Jungkook declared, keeping one eye on Jin and the other on his tambourine, "That it's my turn to request a song?"

("As long as it's quiet!" Jackson whispered very loudly.)

"I do also believe it is your turn to request a song," Jin agreed, taking a sneaky step closer to Jungkook when he wasn't looking.

Yoongi looked up from the keys with pleading eyes,"As long as it's not One Direction again,"

At this Jungkook's little face fell.
"High School Musical?"

"I'm not playing anything from number one," Yoongi said, before debating a bit. "But I suppose number two will do." And with this he slammed his hands dramatically down upon the ivories and a very classical sounding 'I don't dance' filled the classroom.

Jackson sunk further into his desk.

Jin began planning his route of attack.

He needed to just get Jungkook to turn around.

He tapped the tambourine against his leg before exclaiming,

"Hey Jungkook, there's a massive seagull behind you!!"

That should do the trick.

"Oh really-" Jungkook spun around. And felt the familiar cold swat of the tambourine upon the back of his neck. "HEY!"

Jin ducked behind the piano before the other boy could grab him, and shielded himself behind Namjoon's knees.

Jimin, who had slunk off to one of the cupboards at the back, sauntered towards the piano again, returning with a small metal triangle dangling from his hand.
"It's show time!"

Jackson Wang made a disappointed, in pain, sounding sound and brought his head up to death glare everyone.

"Right Boys!" Jimin cheered, striking the triangle three times and sending three sharp waves through Jackson's head. "It's time to let loose!"

And with this he broke into a very intense rendition of something very loud and very annoying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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