𒊹︎Chapter 23𒊹︎

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Raven's POV

The ride there was fun. I had a new playlist which was called 'driving with the greaseball' which is self explanatory.

"Are we able to make a pit stop?" I asked Loki.

"What for my darling?"

"Bucky. He can join us and I also want to prove Steve wrong. We just need to go to the shield place," I told him.

"Anything for you," he said, smirking.

It had been a while since I saw Bucky. He came across my mind a lot and I felt bad for leaving him behind. The shield place wasn't too far away, not in this car anyways.

On the way there, we were both singing along to Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen. It surprised me that Loki actually knew the song.

"HUNGRY EYES" We both screamed in unison.

"ONE LOOK AT YOU" He begun.


Car journeys with me were always the best but only if I had the aux. We drove across a bridge and the tall tower emerged in front of us, giving me severe PTSD.

I clutched Loki's hand, which had been placed firmly on my thigh and he squeezed it with reassurance.

"Do you want me to go in?" He asked.

"No you don't know your way around, plus Bucky might attack you," I smiled at him.

"Of course, if anything happens, you know what to do and I'll be there in 5 seconds tops."

I snuck into the compound and peered around the corridors. My mind was screaming at me, telling me to turn back but I needed to get Bucky. I needed to save him.

All the flashbacks of my Hydra life infiltrated my mind. The pain, sadness, happiness and more importantly, the men. They took advantage of me, used me like a toy from McDonald's just to discard me after 5 minutes.

I walked around aimlessly for a few minutes before I found a set of stairs which were familiar.

"Boss, the winter soldiers teeth have all shattered, we need a new set again," I heard a voice say. It was Rumlow.

"Again? We can't keep replacing his teeth. Next time you say the words, put in a mouth guard," a low husky voice said.

"Pierce," I whispered to myself. The man behind it all.

I carefully took another step down the stairs and I heard footsteps walk away. I poked my head around the corner and it was Pierce who left Rumlow at the bottom of the stairs. Rumlow was an easy target so I quickly ran down the stairs and set his clothes on fire in the process. Bucky would be on the bottom level somewhere.

The corridors were empty and I made sure that I moved quickly and carefully. I noticed the corridor coming to an end and I still hadn't found Bucky yet. Maybe he wasn't there?

"Longing," I heard another man say, I think it was the same one who said my old trigger words.

I ran towards the voice and kicked open the door. There were four scientists and they all had pistols.

"Don't mind me boys, just hear for a friend," I winked.

They all grabbed their pistols and started to shoot but I deflected each one with a barrier of air.

"Don't bother fighting her, she's too strong!" Wilfred shouted.

The men were surprised but they all put their guns away and unbuckled Bucky from the chair.

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