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"I am so full,I don't think I can make it to the club"

Lethabo and I just had dinner at our favorite seafood restaurant and we made sure to stuff our faces till we couldn't anymore.

"You must not know me if you think I'll let you go home without bouncing that ass on some random dick one or twice" she said with a serious tone and I burst out laughing "I honestly can't stand you".

"Sweetie,you know you love me" she said as she smirked at me

"Yeah,it's not like I have a choice. Come on,let's go shake these booty's"


Thirsty minutes later we arrived at the club and it was almost packed,there weren't alot of people on the dance floor,maybe because it was still early,people usually go to the club around eleven o'clock or twelve and it was only quarter to ten.

We went straight to the bar "Hey,can we get four shots of tequila and two glasses of gin and tonic" Lethabo shouted over the loud music so the bar man could hear her,he smiled in response and started with our drinks then handed them to us. We downed the two tequila shots each then sipped on our G&T.

Lethabo was intentionally getting me drunk so I could get on the dance floor with her,I'm a bit on the shy side when I'm sober so,we had to get some liquid courage. Sure enough three G&T's later,my girl and I were whining our waists on the dance floor with some guys we just met. Then we heard...

That my best friend,she a real bad bitch,got her own money,she don't need no nigg'

We screamed and ran towards each other and we started dancing together,hyping one other and twerking to our favorite song.

Best friend you're the baddest and you know it,uh oh girl our think our booty growin'-

...Best friend,you're my muthafucken soulmate

We hugged at the last part "I love you so much" we both said at the same time then laughed at how extra we were being then we walked off the dance floor hand in hand. We were tired,drunk and I think we would both agree that our feet hurt like hell. "Okay, it's definitely time to leave,if I stay here another minute I'll die" I said to Lethabo who nodded,standing up making our way to the door when we bumped into a couple grinding on one another on the dance floor.

"Oh my god,I'm so sorry" I quickly apologized then looked up to see my ex boyfriend,he was with the girl I caught him in bed with. I stared at him in shock,because this idiot was at my door yesterday still begging me to take him back.

"You better be" snapping me back to reality,I realized the tiny bitch was talking to me,see I don't like fighting,but if someone started to disrespect me then I didn't have a choice. I raised my hand with the intention to strike the dumb bitch across the face,but Lethabo caught my hand before I could "She's not worth it Honey and you know damn well I'd never let you fight over this stupid ass excuse of a man" she pulled me outside and we called a cab to take us home.


I woke up with a banging headache and swollen eyes from crying over that idiot I used to call a boyfriend,Lee made me promise that it was my last time crying over his useless self and I couldn't agree more,I was definitely over his ass.

My phone beeped and I reached over to take it from my bedside table.

My phone beeped and I reached over to take it from my bedside table

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Arg these girls!

They're right though,I need a new atmosphere for a while.


"Girl,please thank your dad for me,I can't believe we're flying in style" I screamed as we got into Lee's dad's private plane,feeling like a million bucks

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"Girl,please thank your dad for me,I can't believe we're flying in style" I screamed as we got into Lee's dad's private plane,feeling like a million bucks.

I was feeling kinda tired ,because I haven't been sleeping crying over that boy,so now all I need is rest. I walked straight to the bedroom to take a nap even though it was a short flight,I needed it because I know these girls won't let me rest when we land.

 I walked straight to the bedroom to take a nap even though it was a short flight,I needed it because I know these girls won't let me rest when we land

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A few hours later we arrived and Boitumelo and her boyfriend Sthembiso came to pick us up.

"Guys,as much as we love you,Sego and I won't be staying with you,my parents are out of town so we'll be staying at my family house" Lethabo said as we got into the car

"I'm a hundred percent fine with that,the last time I visited these two I needed ear plugs at night,because they're forever going at it,loudly if I may add" recalling the last time I was in Cape town.

"It's not my fault your sister is so damn fine" Sthembiso said

"Eeuw,TMI" Lee and I both said before bursting into laughter

My little sister and Sthembiso were total relationship goals,been together for 4years and are still as inlove as they were when they first met. I envied them sometimes,they're so cute.

"So I have activities planned out for every single day,I don't want Sego thinking about a certain scumbag through out this whole trip okay" Boitumelo said as we drove into Lee's estate

"You have two hours to freshen up and change,then we'll come back to pick y'all up,we're going to the beach,so I don't need to tell you to wear swimsuits,byyye"

I am really excited to see what Capetown has in store for us,let the Hot girl summer begin!


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