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Dedicated to GoldenDarkMist

Heyy y'all lovelies!!!
I'm so grateful for all the nice comments on the chapters:) its good to know you're all enjoying the story! Don't be a silent reader, make sure to vote and drop a comment. Anyway, happy reading:))


I glanced at my watch, 4:43pm. The school bell would ring in less than 2 minutes.

I closed by books and peeped at the window! The sky was clear. The tress appeared to dance in the breeze. My hair flipped as the breeze entered the classroom through the window like a storm. I closed my eyes to feel it.
I am a joyful breeze entering a room.

My mother's face displayed in my mind. I missed her every single day. I never spent much time with her, that's because my dad never wanted me to be around her, he said it's harm for me. But little does I know is, she cared me more than anyone in that little time gap. Whenever I looked into her eyes, I felt the different spark. Eventually she died from cancer. That's what my dad actually said for everyone, including me. Sometimes it bothered me from lacking the mother's love and care.

The bell rang and suddenly I snapped out of my reverie. I grabbed my books and exited the class. I found Liam and Vic approaching my way. "Hey" Liam raised his hand.

"How was your day?" Vic asked me as I joined along them towards our lockers.

"Actually had very long day! Anyway never mind. Hey, Liam do you have any plans after school?"

"Yeah! I actually planned to visit the forest, which is miles away from the main streets. Hayley always keep bugging me every time to go there, I don't understand what's new there!"

"Wow, that's interesting!! I'm really dead on my foot and I need a break from this school stuffs. I'd join along with you guys rather than doing my stupid assignments." I rolled my eyes.

"Why not? You can join us. I'm no longer ready to hear the boring Fairy Tales from Hayley all long way to forest. We can have fun there."

"What kind of fun can you have in that creepy forest?" Vic ask glancing at her phone.


"Count me in" I said to Liam with excitement. What's better than playing hide and seek in the creepy places. I'm always into it.

"Wow! I'm down to it" Vic squealed. We are sometimes same type just like twins.

"I'm damn sure that Joe, Caroline and Hermoine will join us" Liam chuckled to himself, as if it was an extremely funny joke.

"What's the matter with Flynn?" Vic pointed out.

"Since after my birthday, he got a call from his father that, Flynn's mother is sick and he has to fly back to London. Maybe he'll be back a week after. But I'm missing his presence" I lowered my voice.

"Awww, we miss him either, don't worry Tes, he'll be back soon. Last night he texted me that he's missing you every sec since he moved to London."

"Can't wait to see him. Anyway, catchya guys later, I gotta go and rest until I make up to forest. Make sure to inform everyone in the group about the game" I turn around, and make my way to my house which is in the next block of main streets. I almost always make my trek alone, when Flynn is not around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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