Chapter 88

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The marriage between Chu Yu and Yan Yanchen is a formal itinerary.

There is a slight disagreement on both sides of time.

My uncle's claim is to do it early. After all, the children are so big. It is best to get married before they are married. It is a legal husband, and it is just right for the party to give a birthday party. However, it is more than two months from the age of ,, and it is too anxious.

On the contrary, Chu Yu wanted to slow down. His congenital heart disease has not improved significantly. He will go to check again next Monday. If he is not good, he will have to undergo surgery. If you want to have an operation, then he wants to wait until he has finished the operation, and he is in good health.

My father knows what is going wrong, agrees with Chu’s plan, and feels distressed: “Is there a congenital heart disease? Is it a doctor who treats him? Would you like me to help a doctor to perform surgery on him?”

Chu said: "It is a professional doctor at the top three hospitals, director level, from a young age to see a doctor, the most understanding of his situation, I think if you want to do surgery, you still need to find the doctor who is most familiar with the disease."

Chu Yu and his uncle were in contact for a few days, and Tong Yanchen said: "Your father is obviously a very reasonable person."

Yan Yanchen: "I found out that he is now very good to talk."

It is now in May, late spring and early summer.

The temperature is refreshing and very comfortable.

After a while, the weather will heat up slowly.

This year's May 25th is the Lunar Dragon Boat Festival.

Just in time to catch up, prepare for this day, let the two parents meet and eat a donkey together.

After seeing Chu Yu in the house, Yan Yanchen simply asked his father to transfer to y city. He didn't want to wait for a few months, and he replied with words: "The baby is now the key growth period, I want to be a Responsible father."

Yan Shaoyuan approved his request and asked him to go to the ycheng small branch to mix, but always felt that something was wrong. Is this a bit of jealousy?

It’s not clear what the two fathers and sons are all about, but they’ve been doing a good job, but they’ve been “squatted” to a branch office in Ycheng, where the performance is not good, and they are speculating that there may be insiders. Perhaps it’s the flames of Yan’s dust that have grown in length over the past few years, and have been greeted by a narrow-minded old father?

In fact, Yan Yanchen is happily running y city.

He put his forefoot into the city of Y, and then went to the Chu family to offer courtesy, invite the father-in-law to visit the new home, and move straight in.

The 300-square-meter villa in the high-end residential area has a small garden, the living room and kitchen on the first floor and the bedroom and study on the second floor. One master bedroom, three second bedroom, and Yan Zhenchen thought about it. Three rooms, one for the parents of Chu, and one for his dad to come and stay occasionally, these two do not live for outsiders, if his friends or Chu Yu friends came to play to stay overnight, and live in the remaining room.

The house is not much older than he used to live. He doesn't like too big a house now, and he has to find someone to look for a long time.

Yan Yanchen hugged the big head and went in, and was ready to give Chu Xiaopeng's kennel.

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