Chapter 16

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Damien watched the soldiers train from where he leaned against the outside of the armoury. The mornings grew colder every day as winter approached, though it was nothing compared to the cold of the mountains. Still, Damien hugged his crossed arms closer to his body in an attempt to conserve heat.

Though he hadn't been instructed, by subtle threat or otherwise, to return to train with the Guard, Damien had nothing better to do, and having somewhere to train and fight was somewhat comforting and familiar. Unfortunately he could only lurk and watch while the soldiers trained out on the field. He hadn't exactly been welcomed back by the captain with open arms after their sparring session before the king. Damien doubted he appreciated his presence, even at this distance. He hadn't made his dislike of him a secret, but now he seemed particularly irritable. Across the damp stretch of grass, Noran was busy ignoring Damien's existence by yelling at his guards.

Damien yawned. He hadn't slept that night, with so much on his mind, he couldn't relax, and eventually the early morning light was brightening the room. Damien moved his gaze to the castle. He spotted several sentries between the towers, patrolling the high walls, and watched them repeat their course. The security would be easy enough to avoid, Damien thought, at night would be the best time to slip away. Once he had the stone that was. He let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed his eyes.

"You look awful."

Damien looked up at the captain, who was scowling at him, his arms crossed as well. His patrol was carrying their weapons and training gear back to the armoury, giving him curious glances as they passed. Damien turned back to Noran and tilted his head expectantly.

"Is there a reason you're out here?" The captain asked, eyeing Damien suspiciously.

"Getting some fresh air." Damien didn't even shift from his slouched position against the wall. He kept his gaze on the captain. The last of his patrol left the field, leaving the two of them alone outside.

"I didn't think general Vaun wanted you back here, at least not yet." Noran's frown remained, but he unfolded his arms, his left coming to rest on his sheathed sword. The elegant, swirling carved shape of the bronze pommel caught Damien's eye and he tried to remember where he had seen one like it before.

"He has not told me yet, if he does." Damien replied, still looking at the sword. Suddenly he looked back to the captain. "Why do you serve him?"

"The general? That's usually how the chain of command goes." Noran said dryly.

"Not the general," Damien said, "the king."

The captain looked as though he wanted to draw his sword and try to cut Damien's head off. "I beg your pardon." A warning.

"He wanted me kept in a cell, but the general returned me to my room. Before that, he said if it was his choice..." Damien pushed off from the wall and stepped away from Noran, who watched him pace as he thought out loud, the outrage still on his face.

"The general believes me. He is devoted to keeping the kingdom safe, and decided that I am more useful to the kingdom than a threat to it."

"Something that you should consider yourself very lucky for." Noran growled.

"No. It is a foolish risk."

"Believe me, it's a mistake I would happily rectify." Noran grumbled, though he looked away, and Damien spotted a flicker of unease for a moment.

"It was not a tactical decision, it was an emotional one..."

Damien watched the captain closely as he spoke. Noran's jaw clenched and, though he covered it quickly with a smirk, he failed to hide what Damien realised was frustration as it flashed across his face.

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