Chapter 4

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Sunlight trickled through the canopy above, golden light splattering uneven patterns across the forest floor and lower vegetation. The only sound to be heard was the chirping of crickets hiding away in the bushes. Despite the peaceful surroundings, there was no peace. Aleya had not closed her eyes once the entire night, and he had not stopped to rest or even look back since they fled Fernrove.

They rode for another hour once the sun rose, then he finally slowed the horse's pace. They stopped in a small clearing, and Aleya realised she still had her arms wrapped around his waist. She couldn't make herself feel embarrassed though, after what had happened just a few hours ago. Releasing him, she sat back enough to let him dismount. He turned back and helped her off the horse.

Her aching muscles were the only thing she could feel, and she focused on finding somewhere to sit, wincing as she perched on a nearby log. She stared at her hands, elbows resting on her knees, trying to reel in her scattered thoughts.

She hadn't registered him moving around until she found a leather water bag pushed into her hands.


Aleya finally looked up at him. Dark, narrow eyes met hers for a moment before he turned away and headed to where the horse stood, reins tied to a tree branch. She opened the top and took a sip, then another, greedier gulp when the first sip of cool water reached her dry throat.

Exhaustion pulled at her. Everything from the night of the circus to now felt like a dream, thrown into chaos without warning. How her world had suddenly collapsed, shattered like glass. Was she dreaming now? A strong hand on her arm, tugging her to her feet made her think otherwise.

"Come on." The stranger huffed, leading her away again.

She stumbled alongside him, her muscles protesting at the sudden movement.

"Wait-" She tried to pull her arm out of his grip, but he just pushed her towards his horse.

"We need to make it to the next town. We cannot stop." He released her arm only to wrap an arm around her waist, the other holding the saddle still.

The horse snorted but obediently stilled.

"No." Aleya pushed back, trying to move away from him.

He scoffed but held her in place.

"No." She said a little louder, pushing against him harder.

He shifted to grab her by the arms but she yanked them away before he could grab her. Aleya turned and sprinted in the opposite direction, not sure where she was going, not caring either. She dodged around trees and leapt over high roots with her heart pounding in her throat. When her lungs started to burn she slowed, finally taking in her surroundings. The trees were unfamiliar, the forest dense, and the only sounds she could hear were of the wind in the trees and insects and creatures scurrying in the underbrush. Absently, she wandered which way looked like the forest was thinning, heading back to the town, and put her hand against a tree beside her to keep from swaying.

Something clamped around her arm and Aleya yelped.

"You cannot go back." The stranger said sharply, his rough hands once again holding her tightly. She hadn't heard him approach, now her pulse jumped sky-high.

"Don't touch me!" She tried to jerk her arm away.

"If you go back he will kill you."

Aleya continuing to struggle against his grip, desperate to break free. He growled frustratedly and pushed her towards the closest tree, grasping both her arms in an attempt to hold her still. Instinctively, Aleya pushed forward, trying to break from his grasp. It was only a second later that she realised she was snarling at him, revealing the unusually sharp canines she normally kept hidden. She quickly hid them with a scowl and glared at him. He hadn't missed it. Rather than release her, he simply narrowed his eyes in response, irritated but seemingly unsurprised by the display. Suddenly his eyes flicked to the side slightly and his expression changed. It took Aleya a moment to realise what he was looking at.

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