"Technically I'm in a movie." I say then I point to my twin. "But she directed and wrote the movie."

Over the past couple years, Kyra has been working on a script for a movie idea during her down time.

After my fight in December of last year, Kyra finished the script and she and I got to work trying to get it made.

Luckily we're fucking loaded so we financed it ourselves.

"What's the movie called?" Sam asks.

"And when does it come out?" Mal asks.

"The movie is called Lightning." I say.

"And it premier's in LA after the Spain game next camp." Kyra says.

"So this was your secret summer project?" Sarah asks.

"Mhmm." I say. "We started filming after I got shot and we wrapped a few days before pre-season."

"What's it about?" Ali asks.

"Watch the trailer and find out." Kyra says.

Sonnett quickly grabs her laptop, opens it up, pulls up YouTube, then she plays the trailer for everyone to watch.

The movie is about Serena Schroeder the first black female pilot in US military history.

"Well I'm gonna watch that." Abby says.

"I'd hope so." Kyra says. "You're all gonna be at the premier."

"Dress fancy." I say.

"Yay." Ali cheers. "I get to go dress shopping."

"My poor debit card." Ash pouts.

"Ash if it makes it any better you'll be the one ripping the dress off of her." I say.

"Ooh." Ash says then she smirks. "That does make it better."

"Horndog." Ali says then she kisses her wife's cheek.

"Me being a horndog got you pregnant." Ash says.

"Ashy." Kyra whines. "Not while I'm eating."

Ash playfully pouts then Sloane, Astra, and Ezra kiss her cheeks.

"That's nice." Ash mumbles then I zone out and finish my food.

Once I finish my food, I throw it away, top up my soda, then I love on Nala before I head into the recording suite part of the studio and get situated.

"Alright" I say as I put on my headphones after I've gotten situated. "Let's get started."

- - - - -

Kyra's POV

"Ooh bitch." I say when Kimora finishes singing Lay Me Down. "I freaking love your growl tone."

"Thanks Ky." Kimora says with a chuckle

"One more then we can go get some food." I say.

Kimora nods then she starts singing Fix You by Coldplay.

As my twin sings I smile at her because I love her singing voice.

"Does she ever show emotion?" Someone mumbles after Kimora's done.

"Some of you are so fucking stupid." I say

"Excuse me?" One of the national team ladies says causing me to spin around in my chair.

"The name of this album is Songs For My Parents." I say. "Why the fuck would she want anybody who's not me, Jordyn, or her Moms to watch her record an album that is filled with songs that HER DEAD PARENTS loved?"

Nobody says anything as Simba and Nala rest their head on my lap.

"I'm okay." I whisper as I scratch Simba and Nala's heads then I look at the footballers in front of me. "The reason she didn't tell you to fuck off when you basically told her you were coming with us was because she knows some of you don't like her and she thought this would get you to like her."

Once again nobody says anything.

"You want her to show emotion?" I question. "Fine."

I spin around in my chair then press the mic button.

"Kimora." I say.

"Yeah?" My twin says.

"Train Wreck." I say.

Kimora let's out a shaky breath and nods so I start the instrumental.

"Sit back and fucking listen." I say then Kimora starts singing

Laying in the silence
Waiting for the sirens
Signs, any signs I'm alive still
I don't wanna lose it
But I'm not getting through this
Hey, should I pray, should I fray
To myself, to a god
To a savior who can...

Unbreak the broken
Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions
I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out

Underneath our bad blood
We still got a sad song
Home, still at home, still at home, yeah
It's not too late to build it back
'Cause a one in a million chance
Is still a chance, still a chance
And I would take those odds

Unbreak the broken
Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions
I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out

You can say what you like don't say I wouldn't die for it
I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my god
Be my help, be a saviour who can

Unbreak the broken
Unsay these reckless words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions
I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out

Throughout the whole song, Kimora sings like it's her only choice.

She sings as If this is her last song

"Emotional enough for you?" I say then I stop the recording.

Nobody says anything again.

"Exactly." I say then Kimora comes out of the booth.

"That was so good Bubs." Mom says as I start transferring the files

"Why you gotta make me cry?" Syd asks.

"Oops." Kimora says.

"Are you two religious?" Kelley asks.

"No." My twin and I say.

"But the god line."

"We begged for any kind of help." I say.

"You'd beg for a god to save you too if you were raped for 942 straight nights." Kimora says

We begged for god just as much as we begged for death.

"Can we go eat now?" Kimora asks.

"Yeah Kimora." I say as the files finish transferring to my hard drive. "Yeah we can."

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