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(Y/N) had never seen much use in her peculiarity, she hardly used it, in fact. Most people liked to dream while they slept, so the girl was used to not practicing as much as the other children, but Miss Peregrine always reminded her of how special all the peculiarities were, no matter what they were. No matter that it was just the ability to make people sleep without dreaming as she sang them to sleep. When would she use that for something important, Bird? But the girl soon found a use for it.

Horace Somnusson was a nice boy, always being so nice and polite to her. (Y/N) thought it was cute how he always straightened his top hat when he was close to her - he probably did that when he was close to anyone, she thought, but she always saw him do it when he was around her - and, no doubt, the boy had style.

But there was one bad thing about him: his nightmares. It made her distressed when she heard about him having nightmares; they sounded so bad and a boy as sweet as he didn't deserve to go through it. And with those thoughts - and her crush on him she'd developed - she'd finally found something important to do with her peculiarity.

(Y/N) thought about what Miss Peregrine would say about what she was thinking of doing and came to conclusion that she'd probably be glad (Y/N) was finally embracing her peculiarity. So every night, after everyone had gone to sleep, she started to go to Horace's room, bringing a chair with her and sitting next to his bed, singing to him to make sure he had no nightmares at all. And then she would leave a little before he woke up, going to bed and just waking up in the afternoon.

The change in (Y/N)s schedule didn't go unnoticed by some of the children, including Horace, who had asked her if everything was all right. She always assured him that everything was okay, just feeling happy to be helping her friend.

And all this led to that moment. That night wasn't like the others. Her song always seemed to help Horace, which made her think that perhaps she had control over her peculiarity. But she wasn't so sure now that Horace was clearly having a nightmare she couldn't stop. (Y/N) tried to sing louder, but nothing worked. And the inevitable happened, he woke up.

The girl stopped singing the moment she saw his eyes widen, looking frightened as he sat on the bed.

(Y/N) had no idea what to say as his eyes met hers, a silence filling the place before he cleared his throat. "Were you singing?"

She fidgeted on her chair, answering a quietly "yes".

Horace nodded, seeming to calm himself down. "Is that why I have not been dreaming lately?" even though he was asking, he didn't look surprised. "Is that why you've been sleeping late?"

"I'm so sorry." she quickly said with desperation. "I just wanted to help, I mean, I've never done anything with my peculiarity and I thought I could help you." she glanced nervously at him. "Please don't be mad."

Horace's mouth was slightly open, kind of surprised by the girl's hurried words; but soon it became a smile. "I'm not mad." he assured her. "But you didn't have to stop sleeping at night because of me."

"You're quite noisy when you have nightmares." she shrugged sheepishly. "I wouldn't sleep anyway."

Horace chuckled at that, feeling a bit embarrassed. (Y/N) did the same, cursing the awkwardness of the moment. That should be so weird for him. It shouldn't be easy to wake up with a girl in your room, a girl who wasn't there when you went to sleep.

"I..." he caught her attention again. "I had a dream of you singing to me, but I thought it was one of those that wouldn't happen." the girl raised an eyebrow at him. "I didn't think you would do that for me."

(Y/N) shook her head. "I would do anything for my friends."

A gentle smile appeared on his face. "Always so kind. I like that about you."

The girl's heart skipped a beat, a nervous laugh leaving her mouth. (Y/N) played with her fingers as she looked around the boy's room, her eyes stopping in the familiar top hat that was on his nightstand.

The boy noticed her gaze. "Do you like it?"

(Y/N) nodded shyly. "It's charming."

He smiled at her comment, taking the hat. Horace got out of bed, walking over to her and carefully placing it on top of her head. She felt herself getting flustered because of that as he took two steps back to take a better look of her.

"I didn't think I'd say this to anyone, but it looks better on you." he concluded, a shy gleam suddenly appearing in his eyes. "Don't tell the others, but I always thought you were the most beautiful girl here."

(Y/N) felt her cheeks heat up, an embarrassed smile on her lips. Horace approached her, kneeling in front of her. God, what was he going to do?

"It does not matter that we always live the same day, in the same place, with the same people. You never fail to surprise me, because even if I can see the future, you are always a surprise." he took one of her hands tenderly. "And there's something special I have to tell you-"

"I love you too!" she exclaimed excitedly, taking him by surprise. The surprise must have been big, since he spent a few seconds without saying anything; her heart sank, making her laugh nervously. "Isn't that what you were going to say?"

Horace didn't answer, he just gave her a small smile before leaning toward her, pressing their lips together. That was her turn to be surprised, but, even so, she closed her eyes as he began to move his lips gently against hers.

All she could think of was how much courage he should have to make the first move. Little did she know he was terrified. His heart was beating faster than ever and Horace tried not to make it so clear how shaking he was.

But she hadn't noticed anything, just thinking how sweet it was that he finished the kiss with sweet pecks. As they opened their eyes, smiles appeared on their lips, a laugh coming out of her mouth as she straightened herself on the chair.

"I-" he began to say, but stopped when he saw what time it was on his wristwatch. Did he seriously sleep with it? "It's late."

(Y/N) got it. The two got up as she took off his top hat, placing it on the chair. "I'll go then."

"Or you could sleep here." he cleared his throat. "So I won't have nightmares."

(Y/N) smiled widely. Her peculiarity didn't work that way and he knew it, but she nodded. He got into bed first, her going shyly shortly afterwards. They lay side by side, feeling warm for being so close to each other. (Y/N) lay with her back to him as they wished a good night to each other, soon feeling Horace's arm wrap around her waist hesitantly.

"I love you." she heard him whisper.

There was no way not to have sweet dreams after that.

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