My other mate

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Megan's pov

I sit by the door waiting for my other mate to pull up to the house. I start to feel a tug in my heart when I see a 1967 Chevy Impala pull into the drive way.

Dean jumps out the car fast and starts running towards me and I jump into his arms.

"Hi Babycakes" I say

' Hey sweetie pie I'm glad I get to meet you.' dean says holding on to me tightly.

"Hello Sam I found your mate it's my daughter Rebekah come in."

I get down off of dean and call my children and husband down.

'Mother who is this and why is he holding you' all of my boys say

I smile

"Boys this is Dean my other mate be nice or I will do something you won't like my darlings.'

Yes mother they all reply.

I look over to see Sam and Rebekah hugging

" Now we must go we have a ball to plan boys.

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