Chapter Five

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Rikkis Diner, June 5, 1952, 3:50pm
I opened my eyes slowly, as I tried to stop the awful spinning of my head. Mera and the other girl were both collapsed upon the ground. I shook Mera ferociously until she finally rolled over and opened her eyes.
"THAT was terrible." Mera groaned, grudgingly standing up. Then she looked around her in shock.
"Where the hell are we? Is this a diner?" Mera questioned.
"Yup, this is Rikkis Diner. I knew it had opened in 1948 so I had hoped this would be a safe place to arrive at."
"We have to wake...her up. What is her name anyway?" Asked Mera.
"I don't know. We were only allowed to know our roommates name, you know that." I laughed.
"Well I'm gonna ask her." Mera decided, going up to her.
"Hey, YOU!! Wake up! Mera shouted.
The girl quickly shot her eyes open and then jumped up.
"W-what's wrong?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to know your name.
"Oh. My name is Ithia." She cautiously responded.
"Ithia? What kind of a name is that?" Mera scoffed.
"Mera!" I protested. "She's probably overwhelmed. I have to explain to her what's happening." I continued to explain everything that had happened, starting with why I had gotten a wish in the first place.
"So we're in 1952?" Ithia happily smiled.
"Yes, we are!" I laughed.
"Ya, WE ARE! We are in 1952 without a plan, without any money, and without any "proper" 1950s clothes." Mera grumbled.
"I'm sure we will figure something out." I shrugged. The first thing we needed was money. Thankfully, along with the time travel, I had teleportation powers.
"Stay right here, I will be right back." I explained.

I closed my eyes and wished myself into the nearest back vault. And then I opened my eyes and grabbed as many bills as I could, not even really knowing how currency worked in the 1950s. Thankfully, I had a bag with me so I had something to carry the money in. Then I wished myself back to Rikkis Diner and stood face to face with a very angry Mera.
"Where in the hell did you just go?" She demanded.
"Just grabbing THIS!" I gleefully squealed, pulling out a huge handful of the money. Meras face quickly went from angry to shocked as she rushed over to me to check out just how much money I had gotten.
"Well what are we waiting for, let's go ask the diner where we can buy some clothes!" Mera laughed in delight.

We walked out of the woods right next to the diner and walked inside. Thankfully, there weren't that many customers in the diner then, only a few older kids who gave us weird looks as we walked  in.
"How can I help you?" The man at the counter asked, looking disapprovingly at our clothes. Mera was wearing skinny jeans and a red top that showed enough cleavage that caused the man at the counter to keep looking in disgust at Meras boobs. And I was wearing a tight red pantsuit that perfectly shaped my bottom. Only Ithia was wearing something kind of fitting to the era. A red knee length dress which had buttons all up and down the dress.
"Well, we were kind of wondering where the closest clothing store is."
"Oh, I see."
Well, do you know?"
"I can see why you'd want to know, but I don't know where the closest one is located. Sorry, I can't help you." Just then a cheerful looking woman came walking out of the kitchen area.
"Oh Bill, go into the kitchen and do something useful." The lady laughed. He gave us all one more disapproving look then walked into the kitchen.
"Sorry about him. I'm Rikki, the owner of this diner. I heard you asking something about the closest clothing store?"
"Yes, we were." I smiled back at her.
"Well the closest one is 20 miles from here if you keep following the road."
"Oh, we don't have a vehicle, is there not something closer?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, there's not. But I'll tell you what, I'll go get my son and I'm sure he'd be happy to drive you."
"Oh are you sure? I can pay you." I insisted.
"You don't have to pay me a thing! But if you wanted to give my son a little something, I'm sure he'd be happy." Rikki suggested.

She went to get her son and a handsome teen with blue eyes and jet black hair came out. He smelled as if he had just been baking cookies. He gave us all a bright smile.
"Hi, I'm Cody." He introduced himself. I noticed Ithia turning red  as she shyly glanced at him. I almost laughed out loud. I guess if I were her age, I'd be reacting the same way!
"Well, umm, I can take you all in my car if you want to go now." Cody suggested.
"Who wants to sit in the front?" Asked Cody. Mera and I looked at each other, both thinking the same thing.
"Ithia, why don't you sit in the front with Cody." Mera stifled a laugh.
"Umm, ok." Ithia shyly agreed. Ithias eyes went wide when Cody opened the door for her.
"T-Thank you." She stuttered. I swore I could see Cody blushing a little bit too. Me and Mera looked at each other again, happy to know our little plan was going so well.
Once we were all in the car, Cody started the vehicle and we were off to buy clothes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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