Chapter Four

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It was weird having this new power and not using it yet. But I needed to find Mera. I had to. I was now a time traveler, and anyone touching me while I time traveled would go with me. When I arrived at the building, I realized I had 12 minutes until The Unspoken One would come. I could only hope that Mera was already here.
I walked into the room we shared and sighed in relief when I saw Mera was there. She looked up at me and I tried my best to explain what the heck what had just happened. After I was done telling her I wanted her to come time travel with me, she rolled her eyes.
"What?" I laughed.
"Let me get this straight, you want me to time travel with you and go live in another era." Mera laughed.
Listen, I'm a black girl going into the past. What freaking era were you thinking of going to?"
"Well, I was thinking the 1950s for now."
Okie, whatever. It's gotta be better than this hell I'm living in."

I had thought long and hard about the taking the other girls with me. But taking everyone would be way too dangerous. There was only one other girl I wanted to take with me. The youngest one. She was only 16 and there was no way I was gonna leave her here. We only had four minutes to get her. I wasn't going to explain anything to her until we were safely in the past. There just wasn't enough time.
She was in the corner of the main room reading a book. I quickly walked over to her and grabbed her hand. She looked up at me in shock, probably because I had never spoken to her before, much less grab her hand.
"W-hats wrong?" She stammered.
"I need you to trust me and come with me without acting suspicious. I will explain everything later, I promise. She nodded her head and carefully followed behind me. We walked as fast as we could it out of the building which had brought all of us profound torment the last few years.
I grabbed both Mera and the other girls hands. I thought of the exact day, time, and place I wanted us to go. Then I spoke the magic words.

Take me where I long to be, Let the magic flow
Grant me the power to travel, When my eyes are closed

Then I closed my eyes, and suddenly I felt dizzy.

I could feel myself shivering....

My head was pounding so loud I thought I would burst....

Then all I saw was darkness.

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