Chapter One

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I heard a shrieking scream, and a large shattering crash echoing a block away. Reluctantly, I ran towards the noise, not sure what I was going to find. I found a women lying on the ground, her head covered in blood, with a shattered beer glass beside her. A man towered above her with a scowl on his bearded face.
"Hey! You git outta here!" The man yelled.
"But she's hurt!" I said in shock.
"That's nunna your business lady, now git outta here 'fore I do something I regret."
"Fine, you asked for it." I smirked, over my temporary shock.
"Whadda mean?" He shouted. I pulled out a gun hidden in my dark red blazer.
"Put your hands up!" I commanded. But of course, he started to run. I ran after him, quickly catching up to him. He obviously never exercised. I jumped on his back and forced him to the ground. I set my black heel on his chest so he wouldn't run again and then pointed the gun at him. Then I pulled out my phone and called the police as quick as I could. The lady was still motionless on the ground and needed to get to the hospital quickly. When the police arrived, they quickly arrested the man. I told them what had happened and what I did. The ambulance arrived soon after. One of the police officers came up to me.
"How'd you manage to stop him? Who are you? Do you have a license for that gun?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes and showed him the piece of paper that wasn't supposed to exist.
"Oh, I- I'm sorry. I won't say a word to any one. Thank y- you for saving her." The policeman nervously stuttered.
"If you tell someone, you know what would happen." I warned.
"Yes, of course." He gulped. I could tell he wished he hadn't seen who I was. No one would want to. Most people couldn't handle a secret as big as who I really was.
"Do you think she'll be ok?" I asked the one lady who had helped carry the stretcher.
"She's pretty beat up, but I think she'll be ok. We won't know for sure until tomorrow." I sent up a silent prayer for her safety, then left as quickly as I could. I needed to get home. He would be waiting for me. The one who controlled my life.

I know you probably have some questions, but don't worry, you'll find out who she is soon enough. The next chapter will be out hopefully next week! The chapters will be longer from now on! 😂

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