What the fuck is this? Fucking Narnia?

Negan slowly and descended the stairs, Lucille ready for action. He was met with a door at the bottom. Slowly he turned the knob.

His eyes were blinded by the light as he stepped through the threshold. He was in some sort of living room. Couches, tv, shelves, knick-knacks, a few pictures. It was the perfect picture of domesticity. He heard a noise from the right and a door swung open.

She walked out. Her eyes widened as they stopped on him. Her mouth fell open. Before he could say anything her eyes rolled back and she fell backward, her head making a sickening crack as it hit the cement floor.

Fuck fuckitty fucking fuck. I do not have time for this shit.

Negan gathered her up and carried her to the couch. She was light and smelled like vanilla. Her hair looked darker in the artificial light. Her skin had a few freckles here and there. Long eyelashes rested on high cheekbones. Full lips. She was young. Really young. Late teens maybe early twenties. His eyes traveled down her body. He laughed. She was wearing ridiculous blue pajamas with hot pink unicorns and rainbows on them. Underneath those she probably had a smoking bod. She was petite....actually really short. He laid her down. She didn't even take up the entire length of the couch. She had rainbow-striped socks covering her tiny feet.

Looks like I found a new outpost and possibly, a new wife.

He left her on the couch to explore. Side tables, guns in the drawers. Under the coffee table, a knife was taped to the bottom. Cushions of the love seat, rifle.

Who the hell does she think she is? Annie fucking Oakley? Let's see what else I can find.

Room by room he searched. A master bedroom with a king-sized bed had an actual gun safe. Combination lock. Next, what looked to be her room, a queen bed with yet, another, gun in the nightstand. Kitchen well stocked with cans of food and dry goods. Even some food in the fridge. Closet with some ammo boxes but relatively empty and a lock on the inside. Probably a make-shift panic room. Bathroom with running water. He moved all the weapons to the closet, turned the lock, and closed the door.

Who the fuck builds an underground house with a decoy house? Who is she? How the fuck has she managed all of this?

He sat on the love seat leaning on his hand, fingers on his lips. Lucille leaning against the coffee table. The woman began to stir. Her eyes fluttered open and locked onto him. Green. The green found on a freshly mowed football field. Bright and crisp. She flipped over and tried to reach for the side table.

"Honey, I got all your hidden weapons."

She turned back around and hugged her knees to her chest. That's when she saw the menacing baseball bat. Tears immediately flooded her eyes and poured down her cheeks. The one time she forgot to lock the door. She was going to die. In her stupid unicorn jammies.

"Are you going to hurt me?" she asked her reddening eyes searching his face for any sign of his intentions.

"I'm not into hurting women," he replied.

"Are you going to rape me?" her voice trembled.

"Fuck no! That would fall under hurting women. That shit is so no cool," his harsh words making her flinch.

Relieved, she began to sob uncontrollably. "I thought I was the last one," she wept.

"Last one? On Earth? Not even close, doll. What's your name?" Negan asked.

She stared at him. The tears were starting to slow and she was taking deep broken breaths.

"Sweetheart, when I ask a question, I expect an answer." He said with a stern look.

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