"You can buy your own jacket." You teased, hearing Kyunghwan click his tongue and march off. He's such a baby! Giggling to yourself, you made your way towards the front of the mansion to wait for Mansu. You have a man you need to shower with love and affection!


What will it take for you to give up? Hoseok has been pondering this for a while and he can't come up with a single answer. The persistence you display isn't one that disappears just because he asks. He rejected you when you first confessed and he felt like bile was spilling out of him. It hurt a lot to see you crying because of him. Especially when it was all due to lies. He does love you. There's a reason why he stabbed himself when rejecting you like that. He wasn't supposed to slip up yet his true feelings ended up coming out anyway.

Thanks to Hoseok's big mouth, he confused you to no end. Telling you he didn't feel the same way and at the same time seeing you as the best girl in the world. That makes sense to literally no one. He screwed himself over again when he finally confessed to you that he felt the same. Hoseok obviously wasn't supposed to do that. It just came out! He couldn't help himself when holding you, hearing you say things like that and...he was extremely frustrated with himself. Everything at the thrift store was a complete disaster as well. Hoseok understood why you were upset, but then proceeded to enter a childish fight with you.

Hoseok groaned, laying on his back. He was still at home on his bed. After eating breakfast, he immediately came back up here to rethink his life. It just had to be you that he reconnects with after graduating high school. Not only that, the two of you just had to become close and he just had to fall for you. Lovely. Hoseok clearly wouldn't have it any other way though. Thinking about you was enough to put a smile on his face. Though he couldn't ignore all the stress that came with loving you. He wasn't so sure he wanted to become a problem in the eyes of wealthy and powerful men who could destroy everything he's ever worked for in seconds.

Was that a valid reason? Surely. You did promise Hoseok that you would protect him, but Hoseok wasn't sure it was worth the risk as sh*tty as that sounded of him. It's not like he cared about your fiancé's pride or feelings. He just didn't want to add more problems than necessary. A sigh left Hoseok this time around. He had his arms over his eyes even though the blinds in his room were closed. He was already left in dim lighting so what more was he trying to hide from? Maybe the thought of you wearing that green dress at the thrift store. He sucked in his breath, hoping nothing would stir awake.

"Hoseok! Your phone is done charging in the bathroom." His mother knocked on his bedroom door. He didn't respond, mind still stuck on how attractive he found you. He remembered you so strongly in that outfit that he could practically picture you inside his bedroom. Oh, but if you were in his bedroom looking like that...Hoseok bit his lip, knowing his mind wasn't wandering to the cleanest place. "Hoseok! Your phone keeps getting text messages from (F/n)." She opened the room, watching her son jump up with a flushed face.

"Eomma!" Hoseok was just glad he wasn't showing any signs of excitement.

"What? You would have locked the door if it was important." She scoffed. Her bluntness never failed to frustrate and embarrass her son. Hoseok couldn't even think of anything to say back to her. "Here's your phone." Mom tossed it onto Hoseok's bed. He quickly grabbed it, staring down at his phone without turning the screen on. "Didn't know she was your girlfriend already."

"Huh?" Hoseok's eyes widened. They could have fallen out of his face which only had his mom laughing harder. Did she look through his texts? Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised. Hoseok nervously checked his messages with you to see you were spamming him. Lots of pictures of him with heart edits were being sent, a ton of 'I love you' messages and even you sending him a photo of what your baby with him would look like from some app. A sigh left Hoseok, completely baffled on why you were so into him. How was some like you into him? It didn't make sense in the slightest and he was worried. "Ah, she's not my girlfriend. (F/n)'s just my best friend is all."

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