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april fifth, two thousand and one

N O T H I N G  W O U L D  H I N D E R

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N O T H I N G  W O U L D  H I N D E R

 Draco Malfoy's entrance to the bleeding Ministry of Magic. Not the drawn-out stares from other wizards just beginning their day, nor the flash of his mother's face from every paper in the brightly light atrium.

How fucking dare he!

Draco continued to fume, barely recognizing his footfalls as he took on the unfamiliar route to the Auror office in the Ministry, of which he had only visited with his father twice. He hadn't actually been in the Ministry since his entire family received their sentences from the Wizengamot. That day seemed so long ago, so much had changed...He had changed so much.

But one thing hadn't changed. One thing would never change in Draco Malfoy's life, until the end.

He strode down the hallway of Ministry, his eyes narrowed at a large purple door at the far end of the curving hallway, The Auror Headquarters, despite the persistent squat wizard following him, trying to steer him back to the atrium, squealing, "Mr. Malfoy! You have to check in! You're not allowed in there— Mr. Malfoy, that is not a public office! Mr. Malfoy— stop!"

Draco pushed through the heavy door, ignoring its loud slam as it slammed against the wall, raising the attention of nearly everyone in the room.

That is, almost everyone.

"What the fuck is this?" Draco glowered, slamming the paper on the surface of Harry Potter's messy desk, which trembled from the force of Draco's hand.

Harry pushed his glasses farther up his nose and met Draco's gray gaze with a raised eyebrow. "You're going to have to be a little more specific than that, Malfoy."

"Oh for fucks sake— don't act like this wasn't your order!" Draco snatched up the paper and began to read, "The Ministry of Magic, which had taken on this case as perhaps malpractice or murder, has now closed it at the request the head of the Auror office, only two days after her passing."

Draco gripped the paper furiously, his mouth thinned into a stern line, daring Harry to try and defend himself and his decision to close a fucking murder case.

"I'm not the Head of the Auror office—"

"Bullshit! You're telling me you didn't play a role in my mother's murder case being closed?"

"You have to understand, Draco, we have other—"

"I'm sorry? 'We have other' what?" Draco spat, voice filled with hatred. "My mother saved your fucking life and you just decide to abandon her when she passes? You want her murderer to live in peace? You want them to start to go after everyone with this fucking curse?"

Despite Draco's fury, Harry remained adamant in his defense. "We have absolutely nothing to go on. Am I supposed to send Silverlake to your manor every day and wait for someone to show up? We have nothing besides the curse."

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